The Royal British Legion Poppy Garden Party

The Royal British Legion Poppy Garden PartyThe Poppy Garden Picnic held by the Royal British Legion’s Portuguese branch may have been held in the grounds of Burgau’s Casa Grande, location for BBC TV’s One Foot In The Algarve, but Victor’s scowl was replaced by dozens of smiling faces even though the scorching heat on what was the Algarve’s hottest day of the year kept down the numbers attending.

The event helped raise €205 towards the RBL’s Poppy FundCasa Grande owner Sally Vincent, who donated free use of gardens and the old Adega for the occasion, declared: “It was a lovely day and it brought back the wonderful party feelings when we used to hold big events here back in the old days. It was so special to see everyone enjoying themselves so much”.

The event included a fancy summer hat parade—judged by hostess Sally—a fun quiz, cream teas, face-painting, pony rides and a cake stall. And talk about the luck of the Irish! One family from Ireland who were holidaying in Burgau won the Bingo THREE times.

The event helped raise €205 towards the RBL’s Poppy Fund and Western Branch organizer Sue Howe said afterwards:

The people who did brave the heat to attend had a great time, especially the children. Tiffany Stables, near Espiche provided two ponies and staff for Kids Pony Rides and all the fees they took was donated to the RBL, with an additional donation”.