Prepare to pledge - a new scheme

Prepare to pledge - A new schemePortugal will be accepting a quota of refugees in the next few months and 'Bem Vindos Refugiados Algarve' is one of several organisations preparing for their arrival.

One of the schemes to be adopted will pair refugees with local people prepared to accommodate them in their homes. Introduced and successfully running in Berlin, a dozen people living in the Algarve have already volunteered to host a refugee.

For other households this may not be a viable arrangement and as an alternative another short term system is suggested. A group of local people, each of them paying a small monthly amount, could generate enough rental income to provide an apartment or a house for a family or several individuals. A network of assistance provided by professionals and volunteers would enable the refugees to settle down. After a year or 18 months - once they are established and able to be independent -  the rental funding could cease.

Anyone who is interested in participating in this scheme should visit the Facebook page entitled 'Bem Vindos Refugiados Algarve'. A form enables the public to sign up and suggest the monthly amount they would be willing to contribute. The form also includes opportunities to act as a host, give a one off donation, provide practical help and make other contributions that will welcome the refugees to their new home. Any assistance would be greatly valued.
Please complete a donation form HERE.

For more information please visit the Bem Vindos Refugiados Algarve Facebook page.