Royal British Legion Remembrance Dinner Boosts Poppy Funds

Royal British Legion Remembrance Dinner Boosts Poppy FundsWorld War II veteran George Bailey, wearing his service medals, was the special guest at a Royal British Legion Portugal Remembrance Dinner that raised almost €500 for the RBL’s Poppy Appeal.

The Algarve’s Sir Own Gee and his wife Val were also among the guests at this event staged by the Portugal RBL’s Western Algarve Branch at the Restaurante Jardim, Meia Praia, Lagos on November 11.

Mr Bailey, who arrived to a rapturous reception, read out the dedication to “The Fallen”, and organiser Sue Salisbury-Howe said later:

The restaurant was full to the brim, the evening was a huge success and everybody had an extremely enjoyable night.
“Richard Valentine, a backing singer for the BBC, had everybody singing along and dancing the night away.
“But the main point of the event was to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal.
“And, helped by the generous donation of two bottles of wine for the raffle by restaurant owner Caroline, and the assistance of Chris and Greer Hogg with the auction and raffle we also succeeded in that aim by raising just under €500”.

Royal British Legion Remembrance Dinner Boosts Poppy Funds