St Vincent’s Church donates wheelchairs to Espiche Home for the Elderly

St Vincent’s Church donates wheelchairs to Espiche Home for the ElderlyMobility is something we all take for granted but later in life sometimes we have to face physical limitations imposed by illness or frailty. In an attempt to make a difference to the lives of elderly residents at Espiche Home for the Elderly, St Vincent’s Anglican Church was delighted to present the home with bathing rail aids and eight wheelchairs. These were funded by an independent charitable trust which is administered by the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe. 

Three years ago St Vincent’s heard that the Espiche home was in need of support and since then members of the Praia da Luz congregation have regularly visited – always receiving a very warm welcome. Through fundraising the church has provided the home with: Christmas presents for the residents, heaters and radiators, blankets and a large television.
This latest gift of wheelchairs and bathing aids will have a positive impact on the lives of residents, giving them more independence, dignity and a better quality of life. The wheelchairs, being easy to manoeuvre, will also make life easier for the professionals who care for them.


Members of St Vincent’s Anglican Church with residents and staff