Exclusive sunshine and smiles at Quinta dos Vales’ Open Door

Exclusive sunshine and smiles at Quinta dos Vales’ Open DoorAs always, Quinta dos Vales’ visitors were greeted at the Open Door 2017 with beautiful sunshine. On Sunday 2nd April over 3.000 visitors strolled through the grounds of the estate, where on display were numerous dance and musical performances.

Exclusive sunshine and smiles at Quinta dos Vales’ Open DoorAll corners of the estate had different themes of activity: the Panoramic Terrace had the most lively performances, Cave de Bacchus had a more mellow and calm atmosphere, whereas the Terraço do Picadeiro was targeted at the youngest visitors. Also on display were demonstrations of some of the most impressive regional art and handicraft. The food courts were packed with hungry guests and the tasting stations were filled with thirsty and curious tasters. Available for tasting were a combination of the estate's new 2016 wines as well as some already established wines. The visitors absolute favourite this year was the “Primeira Selecção Rosé 2016”, a fresh and dry summer wine, which was consumed almost as quickly as they managed to re-stock the tasting areas.

Karl Heinz Stock, founder and manager of the estate said: “One more time a big Thank You to my team. Nearly 800 hours of preparation for this event have taken their toll since all this work had to be done on top of our daily workload. It has paid off however as we are well compensated by the happy faces of our visitors. These Open Door events are very important for us as we try to establish ourselves not only as one of the leading wine producers but also as a place where all types of private events can take place. Now with three locations for individualized events such as weddings, baptisms or other private and corporate parties, we are well prepared for the future. Next year we will welcome, in addition to our farmhouses, an additional 15 smaller modern holiday units for short term or longer term holiday seekers."

T: +351 282 431 036
W: www.quintadosvales.eu
Facebook: facebook.com/QuintaDosVales