Olhão - exhibition of paintings at the Recriativa - opens on Friday March 9th

RecreativaSmallThe newly formed Re-criativa Republic 14 association gets into its stride for a nerw season of events in the iconic Olhão building - rescued from oblivion to the benefit of the city.
On Friday, 9th of March, an exhibition of paintings from Portuguese artists Isabel Marques and Paulo Serra, and from the renowned Swedish painter, Cecilia Persson Carter, will open at 17:30. 
The exhibition will run until April 9th, Monday to Saturday 14:00 to 18:30.
The Re-Creative Republica 14 association is the new cultural association that was founded at the end of 2017 and which now is hosting a series of cultural and artistic events throughout the year.
For hungry visitors and locals alike, Taberna da República, has now opened at the rear of the building, offering welcome and snug respite from the current weather with an excellent range of tapas and locals wines.
The Recriativa building, home to the Taberna da República, is the long, white building at 14 Avenida da República, a few doors up from Novo Banco. If you can find Olhão’s only church, the taberna is about 50 metres away from its northern side.