Touch-screen art

iPad painting by Jutta Mertens-KammlerThe revolutionary process of digital painting – exemplified by the work of German artist Jutta Mertens-Kammler – is on display at Galeria Côrte Real in Paderne. 

Utilising a variety of computer painting programmes she creates astounding images with delicate fingers on the touch-screen of her iPad.

iPad painting by Jutta Mertens-Kammler“There are unimaginable possibilities,” Jutta says. “Limitless colours, shades and translucent tones that could not be achieved with normal paints.”

Previously using traditional painting methods Jutta has worked in Germany as a professional artist, interior decorator and jewelry designer. Now living in Portugal she is one of several contemporary artists to adopt the new digital approach. She explains her special interest.

“When the English artist David Hockney was interviewed for ‘Der Spiegel’ magazine he talked about his own involvement with the digital process. He expressed his view that Van Gogh would have loved the iPad and Picasso would have experimented endlessly.”

Galeria Côrte Real represents progressive aspects of modern art with work from a range of local and international painters and sculptors. Jutta’s bold portraits are up-to-the-minute examples of digital painting. The gallery is located in a ‘quinta’ in the countryside near Paderne with signs from the centre of the town, Ferreiras and Boliqueime.

Open:  Thursday to Sunday, 11am until 5pm
Telephone:  912 737 762