Amigos de Música concerts in September 2024

Amigos de Música concerts in September 2024

The AMIGOS DE MUSICA will open the 2024-25 Season with the return of a duo of well-known musicians coming from Berlin for two concerts on September 10th and 12th :  pianist  HOLGER GROSCHOPP and  violoncellist ADELE BITTER .

On TUESDAY September 10th, the two artists will play works by Robert SCHUMANN, Camille SAINT-SAËNS; Mel (Melanie) BONIS and Simon LAKS,  and on THURSDAY September 12th a programme with works by Johann Sebastian BACH, Ludwig van BEETHOVEN,  Bohuslav MARTINU and Johannes BRAHMS.

For more programme details, please see

All concerts will take place in the Auditorium of OS AGOSTOS near Santa Bárbara de Nexe. Doors will open at 6.00pm and the concert will begin at 7.00pm! Wine, fruit juices and canapés will be available for self-service before the concert.

For concert bookings please send an e-mail to . Entry donation including refreshments is €30 per person for guests and non-members, payable in advance by bank transfer (see our website ).

For navigation instructions go to

Adele Bitter first studied in Berlin, and later at the Frankfurt Conservatory.  Periods of study in the USA followed. As principal cellist of the Badische Staatskapelle Karlsruhe she was able to expand her opera repertoire.   She was appointed assistant principal cellist with the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, of which she remains a member while continuing her presence as a soloist and chamber musician. As a member of the Adamello Quartett, a classical repertoire is combined with contemporary examples. Her album with pieces for Violoncello solo by different composers who share the experience of exile was released in February 2022. The complete recordings of the works for Cello and Piano by Polish-French Jewish composer Simon Laks (an Auschwitz survivor), with Hoger Groschopp was released during 2022.

Holger Groschopp pursued his piano studies in his hometown of Berlin. His extensive solo career has taken him to most European countries, the Middle and Far East and North and Central America. Considered an expert in Contemporary Music and played chamber music with many prominent musicians, he has had a close collaboration with Claudio Abbado, Sir Simon Rattle, the Berlin Philharmonic, the DSO Berlin and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra. His nine CD’s released on the Capriccio label with transcriptions by Ferruccio Busoni were given highest acclaim by a range of international critics, including BBC Music Magazine and the US magazine Fanfare.

The AMIGOS DE MÚSICA is an international group of around 120 members who stage musical activities by internationally renowned musicians and also sponsor young Portuguese musicians. It is a non-profit organization and celebrated its thirtieth anniversary in 2021. Members pay a yearly contribution of €250 for up to 18 concerts.

Os Agostos is an impressive XVlll century country estate located above Santa Bárbara de Nexe and near Bordeira. For navigation instructions go to

For more information about the AMIGOS DE MÚSICA and concert programs please see the website: For Membership enquiries please contact

Os Agostos is an impressive XVlllth century country estate located above Santa Bárbara de Nexe and near Bordeira.