INFO Presentations for all Coordinated by afpop

INFO PRESENTATIONS FOR ALL COORDINATED BY AFPOPafpop, Portugal’s largest Association providing advice and information for foreign residents and property owners, is coordinating a programme of presentations under the banner ‘AFPOP Presents …’ covering a range of subjects in which its Members have expressed an interest to be better informed.

Last November afpop organised a presentation, in cooperation with Grupo HPA, on the subject of prostate cancer to raise awareness and understanding of this issue.  The event was very well attended and is being repeated in HPA Gambelas on the 29th of February and also in Lisbon at Hospital Cruz Vermelha on the 13th of March. The presentations are open to all, with a small €10 fee for non-afpop Members. There are spaces available for both events, which will be presented by Professor Tiago Rodrigues, an eminent Portuguese urologist and expert in prostate treatment and there will be a free PSA test at the end of the presentation for those who would like to take it. To reserve a place please contact the afpop office on 282 458 509 or by e-mail on

Under the AFPOP Presents … programme, afpop will be promoting a series of similar Presentations with experts in their field, covering dementia, skin care, uterine cancer, and eye care.  But it is not just health matters that can confuse the expat community, taxation issues are at the forefront of concerns and afpop is in discussion with The Sovereign Group (Lagoa) for a presentation to explain the latest regulations on this multi-faceted subject.

For all of the events attendance will be free to afpop Members and a small charge will be made for non-members

Details will be published as soon as venues and dates have been arranged and will be available on the afpop website