British Soldiers play at Boavista

On the golf course with Boavista members Ian and Janice GallowayA group of sixteen British soldiers from the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards led by Padre David Anderson arrived in the Algarve on Monday 12th May and stayed at Boavista Golf & Spa Resort.

A challenge match was arranged between members of Boavista, predominantly from the Craft and Rollup Societies, which play at Boavista and the soldiers, ending in an amicable draw.

The soldiers finished off their stay with a farewell dinner at Prato Cheio Restaurant attended by forty people. At the dinner Padre David Anderson thanked everyone for the warm hospitality received and was very grateful for the package Boavista had put together enabling the group to make their trip a reality.

David also presented a Regimental plaque, which is now proudly showcased in the Club's trophy cabinet.

Golf Director, Rodrigo Ulrich said he was honored to have hosted their stay at Boavista and was pleased that the trip had turned out so well.

The soldiers also played at the O'Connor and Palmares golf courses.

Group of 16 soldiers from the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards with Padre David Anderson, Plaque  presented to Boavista, and the farewell dinner with Boavista members

L to R: Group of 16 soldiers from the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards with Padre David Anderson, Plaque  presented to Boavista, and the farewell dinner with Boavista members.