Staging performances for 25 years

Algarveans Experimental Theatre GroupThe Algarveans Experimental Theatre Group has been staging performances for 25 years in the Algarve, many of which have been truly memorable for all those involved and audiences alike. From pantomimes such as the first production in 1991 of Puss in Boots, to serious dramas like Jane Eyre and Rough Justice, plus comedies such as ’Allo ‘Allo, their repertoire has been highly varied. 

Gloria CostaJan Sheppeard, director of the forthcoming production“Down at The Old Bull & Bush welcomed me at the group’s 2016 AGM and bought me my first drink.

Just to remind you that we will be giving a free drink to every ticket-holding audience member on each night of the show. Please feel free to wander and talk to any of our members, you are most welcome.” Well, with a glass of wine, a luncheon of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding along with excellent company, a wonderful afternoon was had by all.

Everyone I spoke to is enthusiastic about the forthcoming production. They regaled me with stories of previous productions they had been in and how each brings both challenges and rewards. It’s worthy of note that for many years this bunch of amateur thespians have been donating well in excess of €1,000 a year to worthy causes.
At the end of the afternoon, an award (“comedy and tragedy” masks mounted on a marble block and heavier than an Oscar), was presented by David Butler-Cole to Gloria Costa, for her exceptional contribution in 2015 as an actor, dancer, singer (dubious), stage hand, committee member, liaison officer and long-standing member.
I am so surprised and honoured to receive this award. Being in the group is such a pleasure. I shall treasure this for always.” (Gloria only gets to keep it for a year mind.) She appears in the Old Time Music Hall along with daughter Lara and granddaughter Maxine.

I enjoyed myself so much I forgot to ask who the Chairman of their forthcoming production is going to be. Oh well, there’s always next week.

Down at The Old Bull and Bush Old Time Music Hall will be performed at the Teatro Mascarenhas Gregório in Silves on March 31, April 1 and 2.
Tickets can be ordered via email or telephone 966 211 634 or 282 496 635.

A prize will be awarded each night for the Ladies’ best Hat, and each member of the audience will receive a complimentary glass of wine on arrival.

By Stephen Trevors