Another triumph for The Silver Mask Theatre Group

Silver Mask Theatre GroupOn the nights, of the 11th and 12th December 2013 at the Holiday Inn's Raj restaurant, Silver Mask presented a stimulating, yet charming, series of sketches and short plays.

They were literally fired at the audience in a staccato volley of emotionally charged bullets. Cleverly the tension was relieved by closing each performance with a hilariously funny observation on human nature.

Silver Mask Theatre GroupThe rapid fire scene changes literally took seconds and yet the cast were able to re-present themselves in different costumes to play wildly varying characters with reassuring style and confidence.  This was a technically demanding production delivered with consummate ease. The audience loved it.
Jackie O'Grady, Artistic Director and star of the production, could not prevent her talent lighting up the stage. Her characterisation was without fault.

She portrayed sexy and drab with equal ability. The audience were forced to live the parts with her, such was the intensity of her interpretation. A true "tour de force", we can't wait for her next creation.

Reviewed by Kenneth Struthers