Blue Planet cameraman's exhibition in Olhão

whalehumpbackThe renowned marine photographer, Nuno Sá, is exhibiting many of his works in Olhão.

‘Oásis’ is being hosted in the city's municipal library until February 25th.

The exhibition features photographs taken in the waters around the Açores showing some well known species as well as some unique events that Sá had the privilege of witnessing.

Many of these images are the result of countless hours at sea spent by the photographer who has been a professional since 2004 specialising in the mysteries and beauty of the underwater world.

Nuno Sá has six books under his belt and is a regular contributor to several national and international magazines, including National Geographic Portugal.

Sá’s works have been exhibited at London’s Natural History Museum and the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington and have earned him countless awards.

The photographer leads the Atlantic Ridge photographic service based in the Açores which boasts over a decade of experience in diving and capturing images of ocean life in its most extreme environments. 

Nuno Sá studied Law in one of Portugal’s top universities and, shortly after graduating,  in 2002 moved to the Açores to pursue his dream of living a life connected with the sea.

As a wildlife photographer Nuno Sá has been active in creating awareness about the unique sea life of the Açores and Portugal.

Under water or on the surface, Nuno Sá has cooperated as producer, director of photography or cameraman with several national and international TV channels, including the BBC where his work on the series, 'Blue Planet - Oceans,' earned him further worldwide acclaim.

The 'Oasis' exhibition is open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10:30 am to 5:00 p.m.