Living in harmony - free for a 5 year period

Living in harmony - free for a 5 year periodLiving in harmony with nature at The Green Man Hotel at Torvec, (The Odeleite River Valley Eco Centre) we have an exclusive for ADN readers, a new shareholding offer available with a low cost living opportunity for a small number of committed individuals or couples, looking for the healthier living lifestyle that Torvec can provide with it's beautiful river valley location, and pollution free environment.

The free living for life offer which we were promoting some time ago has now been withdrawn, it would appear that a free living for life opportunity was too good to be true for most people, so this new opportunity is no longer going to be “free for life” rather only free for a 5 year period, except for the working shareholder plan which is a more open-ended opportunity and free for as long as required.

To make sure people fully understand the pros and cons of these opportunities we are detailing below what is on offer and what you will get for your investment, giving you a broader and clearer overview of the fundamental structure of this shareholder opportunity that maybe was not clear enough with our previous offer.

We are making this a simple low cost opportunity with 2 types of shareholdings available suitable for long term living, a working one and a passive one, working shareholders will get totally free living for life and passive shareholders free living for 5 years, after which they can opt for a further time period at a preferential low price which will be at least 50% below the normal tariff.

Here’s how it will work, the initial investment cost for a working shareholder is set at £100,000 in total, which is fully refundable after 2 years, they can get a full refund anytime after that and move on, or leave the initial funding in place for however long they wish to remain a free for life shareholder, with the solid assurance their investment will be fully reimbursed if they ever want to leave.

A slightly different approach for non working shareholders, this offer comes with a higher initial cost though still very cost effective in terms of the underlying value that is available, this passive option could be especially interesting to someone who is just looking for long term or short term holiday accommodation.

The passive or non working 5 year shareholding will set you back £200,000 and after 5 years of free living you will have 2 options, first option get a full refund of your £200,000 and move on, the second option is to draw down the investment and live on site for a further 15 years, what you are then getting is 5 years free of charge and very low level cost over the next 15 years, even a UK OAP could afford it as it works out at less than £200 per week over the full 20 years or for a couple less than £100 per person per week.

Just to be clear neither of these shareholdings are locked in for longer than 2 years, a passive shareholder can get a full refund at any time up to the full 5 years if not happy for any reason, to clarify how the 5 year option works it does not start until the shareholder is ready to take full advantage of what is on offer, so could be several years down the road if necessary, making it more flexible for anyone not yet ready to live abroad for long periods.

Recent findings on the average monthly living costs in Portugal show that it's usually between £1,000 and £1,500 if renting low to mid range property, that's an average of £1,250, extrapolate £1,250 per month over 20 years plus 2% inflation it’s works out around £380k if 3% inflation around £430k, quite a lot more than our passive shareholder has to pay, which is effectively zero for first 5 years.

View from the hotel siteAnother important point about this shareholding opportunity and another long term saving benefit to consider is that it is entirely inflation proof, even if you could get long term full board accommodation for as little £1,250 a month, a 2% inflation figure over 20 years adds around 50% to the original cost and 3% inflation adds around 80% to the original cost, so instead of paying £1,250 a month it would more likely be £1,800 to £2,200 a month after 20 years.

We will be limiting the number of shareholders to approximately 25% of the total accommodation units on our hotel complex, detached eco lodge units will be made available for shareholder to use, when that 25% level of participation is reached the offer will be closed, this is a flexible mix and match share scheme so no quota in place as to which type of shareholder is preferred, each have their own merits and will depend on the response to the different options available.

The only other way to get a good deal after this offer closes will be to join our prepaid holiday club which will offer a 50% discount on the going rate and will be inflation proof for each 5 or 10 year prepaid period.

Just to contradict that last statement there is a third way for people who do not want to move permanently or even semi permanently, we will be issuing fully secured investment bonds in tranches of £50k that gives you the best of both worlds, a guaranteed 5% return and 2 weeks free healthy living holiday per tranche the holiday is worth another 5% in real terms, these bonds also qualify as profit sharing bonds so the eventual overall return could be nearer the 20% mark.

The following comparison will give you a better understanding of the value for money you will be getting from any of our offers, this other health retreat we are comparing is an actual like for like resort, (no names no pack drill)

They offer similar size accommodation to our planned units though they do not provide proper meals only juices and soups during the week, their other main shortcomings apart from cost would be no heated swimming pool and over twice as long to transfer to and from the airport.

As to actual price level you won’t get any change out of £3,000 for a 1 week stay, extrapolate that over 20 years with 2% to 3% inflation and you are looking at over £4m in total, in this life you get what you pay for so either 1 year at the comparison site or 20 years at ours as a passive shareholder, the choice is yours.

To clarify accommodation use, only named shareholders get to use the allocated accommodation at Torvec, they can come and go as they please and do not have to live there full time, so even if used for only a few weeks or a few months during the year, it is still a potential no cost holiday option for anytime up to 5 years, any time spent at our resort can be spread over the year as personal circumstances dictate with accommodation always readily available.

Our definition of a passive shareholder would be someone looking for a long term holiday home in the sun for a reasonable cost, however if anyone wishes to take advantage of the free 5 year period just for long vacations several time a year,
feel free to do so, then get fully reimbursed after 5 years of free holidays.

We are well aware of this potential loophole as such and maybe even welcome individuals or couples taking just a few weeks to several months, or any time in-between to suit their own agenda, from our point of view it would mean less overall catering, there is no requirement to commit for longer than the 5 years.

So people get your calculators or spreadsheets running and see whether you can find any flaws in this once in a lifetime opportunity, if you can I would value your input, the only way to be sure of a place on our data base of potential shareholders or investment bond holders is to get in as early as possible as it’s a case of first come first served, early birds also get first choice of accommodation and best location on site.

We still have some potential opportunities for sweat equity involvement, suitable for individuals/couples who are willing to work hard in the initial preparation of the permaculture farm side of the project or any other work required on site.

Potential shareholders/bondholders can send their details and any queries to

Full overview of the development at this link: