'Enough is enough' the Algarve needs to go solar

leonardodicaprio"Enough is Enough!" Leonardo di Caprio demanded at the World Economic Forum that greedy oil companies and weak governments leave fossil fuels where they are - under the ground.

Tavira em Transição calls on AMAL, the association of Algarve Mayors to take up this call.

The Lisbon government has shown complete disregard for the Algarve region and its people, by signing contracts for oil and gas exploitation, putting at risk the environment and livelihoods of this natural wonder.

The alternative SOLution. With 300 days of sunshine per year, the Algarve could be 100% solar powered by 2020.

The region’s 450,000 inhabitants would require 300 hectares of solar panels.

Recent floating solar installations on reservoirs in Japan and Australia, have shown increased electricity production and reduced water loss and have the advantage of ready-made grid connections.

Portugal has the largest man-made lake in Europe at Alqueva but the Algarve has ample dams in Odiáxere, Arade, Bravura, Fonte Coberta, Alcoutim, Beliche, Odeleite, Funcho and nearby Santa Clara.

Public areas and car parks across the region can use solar panels to provide summer shade whilst producing local, sustainable energy.

Instead of burning five million tons of imported coal each year, EDP can switch to using solar energy, saving health and lives of residents, providing total energy security, attracting new technologies and jobs and giving the cleanest air in Europe.

The Algarve could buy its electrical grid and attract solar investment if authorities stop it from exploiting its greatest natural resource its sunshine!pv

We call on the Gulbenkian Foundation and the oil companies; ENI, Galp, Repsol and Portifuel to stop their destructive investments, turn away from the Dark Side into the light of a new solar age and make investments in a clean, healthy, secure and growing technology.

By 2030, the Algarve could replace all oil and gas consumption (with the exception of aeroplanes) with clean electricity to power homes, business and transport while making the region the envy of Europe.

Tourism would flourish along with a host of new companies taking advantage of the total renewable energy and pristine environment. No longer would we be telling children to find another country to work in.

Good sustainable jobs would be created for all. To make this happen we need to have one voice that gets louder and louder.



Tavira em Transição





More information is available about oil and gas exploration concessions in the Algarve and Alentejo at:



