Algarve temperatures to hit 42°C, (107.6°F) daily until Tuesday

6199Hot enough yet?

Tomorrow, Friday 5th August, the temperature across the Algarve is set to hit 42°C, (107.6°F) according to the Portuguese weather service which predicts a 'significant rise' in temperature from the 5th to the 9th of August.

Unsurprisingly, the heat is due to "a warm, dry air-flow from the east.”

The rise will hit low-lying coastal and countrydside areas with some relief in the hills where the maximum should not exceed 30°C (86°F)

The temperature at night should drop to 20°C and 25°C throughout the region.

The really hot weather will hit inland regions of Portugal first and then sweep across the Algarve from Saturday the 6th of August.

The weather service has issued a yellow warning to the 18 districts of the country for between 13:00 on Saturday and 07:00 on Sunday, which it predicts will be the hottest period during the heatwave.



1.    Drink Plenty of Liquids
Dehydration is the root of many heat related health problems. Drink plenty of water or juice, even if you're not thirsty. But remember to avoid alcoholic or caffeinated drinks, as they can actually contribute to dehydration.

2.    Wear Appropriate Clothes
When it's hot out, wear light-coloured, lightweight, loose-fitting clothes and a wide-brimmed hat.

3.    Stay Indoors During Mid-day Hours
During periods of extreme heat, the best time to run errands or be outdoors is before 10am or after 6pm, when the temperature tends to be cooler.

4.    Take it Easy
Avoid exercise and strenuous activity, particularly outdoors, when it's very hot out.

5.    Seek Air-conditioned Environments
The elderly whose houses may not be air-conditioned should consider finding an air-conditioned place to spend time during extreme heat.

6.     Know the Warning Signs of Heat-related Illness
Dizziness, nausea, headache, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, fainting and breathing problems are all warning signs that help should be sought immediately.



If you are caring for an elderly or disabled person, learn the signs of heat-related problems. Seek medical assistance for any of the following signs and — if you suspect heat stroke — call for help immediately.

    Headache, nausea and fatigue are signs of at least some heat stress.

    Heat fatigue: cool, moist skin, a weakened pulse, feeling faint.

    Heat syncope: sudden dizziness, pale, sweaty looking skin that is moist and cool to the touch, weakened pulse and rapid heart rate but normal body temperature (that is, 98.6 degrees, taken with a thermometer).

    Heat cramps: muscle spasms in the abdomen, arms or legs after exercise. (Note that these may be caused by lack of salt but do not give salt or salt tablets without consulting a Dcotor.)

    Heat exhaustion: this is warning that the body is getting too hot. Watch for thirst, giddiness, weakness, lack of coordination, nausea, and profuse sweating. Cold, clammy skin. Body temperature may be normal (98.6 degrees). Pulse is normal or raised slightly. Pupils may contract. Urination decreases and the person may vomit.

    Heat stroke: this is life-threatening. Immediate medical attention is required. Death can occur quickly when heat stroke occurs. Body temperature rises above 100 degrees F (some sources say 104 degrees F), and the person may become confused, combative, behave bizarrely, feel faint, stagger. Pulse is rapid. Skin is dry, flushed and may feel hot. Lack of sweating. Breathing may be fast and shallow. Pupils may widen or dilate. Delirium, seizures or convulsions, and coma are possible.

To alleviate symptoms for any heat-related problem and while waiting for medical help:

    Have the person lie down in a cool place.

    Elevate the feet.

    Apply cool, wet cloths or water to the skin, especially the head, groin and armpits which cool quickly.

    Fan by hand or with an electric fan.

    If possible, give small sips of cool water (no salt without a doctor's approval)