Aljezur Swimming Pools implement energy efficiency solutions

Aljezur Swimming Pools implement energy efficiency solutionsOn September 14th the municipality of Aljezur, in partnership with the SANDY-Regional Agency of energy and environment of the Algarve, received the Group of European partners that integrate the project Nearly Zero-Energy Sports Facilities.

This is a project which aims to assess the energy situation of a set of 18 sports facilities of the European Union, more specifically Portugal, Netherlands, Italy, Cyprus, Ireland, Denmark and Croatia, to subsequently seek to define and implement a package of innovative energy efficiency solutions to reduce more than 50% of current energy consumption.

Aljezur Swimming Pools implement energy efficiency solutionsAware of the energy efficiency benefits inherent to the development of the project, the municipality of Aljezur understands the benefit of integrating these solutions into the municipal swimming pools of Aljezur sports buildings in the study.

In this context, during the project  an energy audit to this building was performed, which resulted in a set of recommendations aimed at reducing energy consumption. The Municipality decided to move forward with some of the suggested implementations, including: installation of a Solar thermal System and a Thermal Cover to put the water in the pool.

After a few months of operation the results are quite positive, motivating interest in this visit on the part of European partners, who sought to view and learn the specifics of the measures implemented and their results.
This meeting confirmed the commitment of the municipality of Aljezur in making municipal swimming pools in a building “Nearly Zero” in terms of energy consumption. To date, and within the Consortium, the measures implemented in municipal swimming pools of Aljezur  presented very satisfactory results, contributing to the consummation of the General objectives of the project.