Some important reasons that make Bitcoin volatile

SOME IMPORTANT REASONS THAT MAKE BITCOIN VOLATILEAny banks do not authorize bitcoins, and their price value is completely dependent on the crypto market.

Many factors influence Bitcoin's Pattern Trader value; thus, it is highly volatile. Its values change rapidly for many reasons. 1K daily profit trading system helps people improve their trading speed and efficiency.

It is an unguaranteed field of investment where the users can either lose all their money or can make unexcepted profits. Many reasons make Bitcoins volatile in which the primary reasons are their supply and demand. Some main reasons that make Bitcoins highly volatile are mentioned here. People

What makes Bitcoins volatile?

No one can exactly determine when the Bitcoin price will decrease. Numerous factors make Bitcoins volatile, and some of it is mentioned below.

  • Supply and demand (mining Bitcoins)

One primary factor that makes Bitcoin volatile is its supply and demand. Like any other product, supply and demand affect the Bitcoin market value. Its value will gradually increase when it is in high demand and there are fewer available bitcoins. But on the other case, its value can decrease, thus, making it volatile. Bitcoins are mined at a fixed rate, and the mining rate is gradually decreasing over time. Most of all,l the bitcoins are already mined, and only a few are left to be mined. Thus, each year the mining is getting reduced, resulting in its demand which will increase its value.

  • Influence of crypto whales (Bitcoin whales)

Crypto whales are those who hold a large number of cryptocurrencies. When considering Bitcoin, Bitcoin whales are those who hold 1000 or more bitcoins. They can easily influence the whole crypto market at any time, as they hold a lot of cryptocurrencies. With their influence, they can easily trap small traders and bring them a great amount of loss. It can also create a problem, of being stuck with one holder, as there will be no circulation. On the single hand, such concentration of cryptos can lower that cryptocurrency's value and reduce its demand. The main reason why whales can manipulate Bitcoin values is that they have more power over the crypto market.

How do whales manipulate Bitcoin?

  • FOMO

Fear of missing out or FOMO is a trick in which big whales make Bitcoins volatile. It will encourage small traders to bid on all their money, who think they will make money. Crypto whales will make use of this situation to make a decent profit, and the small traders will fall into their hands.

  • Competition among other cryptocurrencies

Even though Bitcoin stands at the top among all other cryptocurrencies, its competition with other cryptocurrencies has increased a lot. In the beginning, Bitcoin was the first in this field and accounted for over 80% of all the cryptocurrency market share. Later with the rise of many other cryptocurrencies, it is now holding only a share of 50%. Thus, competition has a huge impact on making Bitcoin volatile. The price variation of Bitcoins is inversely proportional to the other cryptocurrencies in the crypto market. Currently, thousands of cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity and are influencing the whole crypto market.

  • Effect of media on Bitcoin price change

Media has a huge impact on determining the price of Bitcoins. With just single good news about Bitcoin, it can highly influence the Bitcoin market value. While single bad news can also drop its value to a great extent. Media are always active in giving such information to the people; thus, the peoples immediately receive any impact of Bitcoin due to the above-mentioned factors. It will prevent people from getting into the Bitcoin trade, and will again reduce its market value.

On the other hand, if Bitcoin is showing some progress, the media will give that knowledge to people all over the world. It can result in an immediate rise in Bitcoin values with the widespread news all over social media. Thus, it can be said that media are directly proportional in determining the Bitcoin market value.


All details showing why Bitcoins are volatile are mentioned here. Those who are trying to find the reasons behind the high volatility of Bitcoins can find their solution here in this article. Some important reasons that hugely impact Bitcoins market price are detailed here.