Currency Market Update - 21st February 2023

Currency Market UpdateUk public sector net borrowing. In the UK we saw net borrowing rise by another £6.2b to -£24.8b I don’t foresee this impacting markets with us being an importing country we always expect this to rise

Euro area
We have some PMI flash data out for the euro area France and Germany. As long as the numbers come in around forecast or stronger we could see more euro strength with companies manufacturing especially with them being exporting countries. We also have their economic sentiment for the euro area and Germany. It's forecast to rise but still be way off that 50 mark. So optimism is improving but still not where it needs to be.

PMI flash for the UK
PMI for the UK rose by 2.2 which boosted the Pound this morning- with services rising by 4.6

Canadian inflation rate
Canadian inflation is set to drop again for the 6th month in a row showing that what they have done with interest rate decisions is working. With their interest rate sitting at 4.5% After their 8th rate hike in 12 months in January they have paused raising hikes as they believe inflation will be as low as 3% by mid-year.

The PMI for manufacturing and services is forecast to rise to bring the composite PMI up by 0.7 as long as it doesn’t stray too far away from these figures I don’t see too much movement on the markets