The Blevins Franks Guide to Living in Portugal

The Blevins Franks Guide to Living in PortugalThe Blevins Franks Guide to Living in Portugal is the definitive guide to the tax and wealth management issues for expatriates living here.

Now in its 5th edition, this 180-page book examines the key financial issues for a UK national planning to move to Portugal, already living in Portugal or considering returning to the UK. It is an excellent guide for those who wish to ensure that their finances are properly structured to avoid unnecessary taxation.

The book has 18 chapters covering a range of topics, including:

• The legal side of buying a property in Portugal
• Residence in Portugal
• Portuguese income tax and administration
• Interest income, rents, business, dividends
• Employment, other income and life assurance policies
• Portuguese capital gains tax
• Portuguese inheritance and gifts tax
• Social security, pensions and health care
• Double taxation
• Tax treatment of trusts in Portugal
• Avoiding UK capital gains tax
• UK inheritance tax
• Pensions and Portugal

Blevins Franks has been providing specialist, professional advice to British expatriates in Portugal for decades, and we have a long established office here. The Blevins Franks Guide to Living in Portugal is based on our vast experience and deep understanding of expatriates’ financial planning needs.

The book is available to purchase on our website,

You can also contact our local offices. Blevins Franks takes a holistic approach to tax planning, succession issues, investments, pensions and asset protection, and our Partners in Portugal would be delighted to explore how they could help you with your tax planning and wealth management.

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T: 289 350 150