Offshore Assets, a secure retirement and more...

Blevins FranksRead the most popular recent articles from Blevins Franks concerning Spain and Offshore Assets, automatic exchange of financial information, tips for a secure financial retirement abroad, and the UK tax man targetting rental income.

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Spain And Offshore Assets
As the Spanish government seeks to increase tax revenue, it has set its sights firmly on offshore assets. Automatic exchange of information will now provide much more data on undeclared or misrepresented foreign assets and income.     
No Hiding Place
Global leaders are endorsing automatic exchange of information for tax purposes as the new global standard, and there has been a pivotal shift from bilateral to multilateral agreements.  
Seven Key 'Habits' For A
Financially Secure Retirement Abroad
There are many important financial considerations to plan for when you retire to a new country, and the sooner the better.  Here is a checklist of the important ones.
UK Taxman Targets Rental Income
As tax authorities everywhere look to increase tax revenue, rental income is coming under closer scrutiny. If you rent out property, whether in the UK or another country, you need to be sure that you are paying tax correctly.