November Financial Market Insight

November Financial Market InsightIn this issue, the major stories that we look at are:

• Bank of England's decision to retain interest rates increases and why the "U turn"?
• S&P warns the UK will loose its "AAA" rating on an EU exit
• The new Dividend tax regime in the UK - more taxes for all?
• The HMRC failure in collection of taxes - only 11 prosecutions for offshore tax evasion since 2010 to date
• Bank deposit compensation reduced from £85,000 to £75,000 on 1st January 2016

As always, if there is any aspect within this month's Tax Insight that you wish to attain further detailed information on, or you would like to have any of our previous issues of Tax Insight, please feel free to contact us.

T: +351 289 392 484

CLICK HERE to read the November 2015 Market Insight.