Delicacies of the Algarve, the Rocha Brava guide

Delicacies of the Algarve, the Rocha Brava guideFor as much as a holiday is supposed to be about relaxation and switching off, a key aspect of the holiday experience is becoming immersed in a different culture. By doing so, you can truly escape from your everyday stresses and strains, and even learn something.

Of course, one of the easiest ways to sample an unfamiliar culture is to sink your teeth into its cuisine. As well as teaching you a surprising amount about the values and trends of the culture in question, you’re also liable to experience something new and delicious.

O Farol Restaurant at Rocha BravaAs you would expect from as vibrant a country as Portugal, and as prosperous a region as the Algarve, there is an extensive range of local delicacies to try, all available in or around the Carvoeiro/Rocha Brava area itself. Experience a different culture and give your taste buds a treat.

One of the most popular dishes in Portugal, let alone the Algarve, is cod; or more precisely, dried and salted cod. While it is strange to find a fish native to such cold, northern climes so eagerly embraced by such a warm nation, Bacalhau is a staple part of Portuguese culture, to the extent that it’s the main ingredient in Portuguese Christmas meals. Indeed, the ubiquitous nature of Bacalhau in Portugal has led to the suggestion that there’s a Bacalhau recipe for every day of the year. In actual fact, there may be closer to 1,000.

Some of the more popular Bacalhau dishes that can be found in the Algarve area are the Bacalhau à Brás; which is Bacalhau served with fried potatoes and egg, as well as Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá; which is a casserole made from Bacalhau, potatoes and onion.

Translating literally from Portuguese as ‘beans’, Feijoada is a popular dish throughout Portugal, and throughout former Portuguese colonies. Indeed, the popularity of Feijoada has led to it being widely described as the national dish of Brazil.
While there are numerous variations of the recipe, Feijoada at its most basic is a stew of beans, beef and pork, and is often served with rice. Feijoada can come with numerous additional ingredients, including a variety of leaf or root vegetables, and many different local varieties of sausage.

The Interior at O FarolCroquettes
Similar in many ways to the potato croquettes that can be found in the U.K., croquettes from the Algarve are still cylindrical, covered in bread crumbs, and deep-fried. Indeed, the main difference between the two is that croquettes from the Algarve vary far more in terms of content; potato is just the tip of the iceberg. Beef is often used as a filling, though sausage, vegetables and fish also are frequently used. Croquettes from the Algarve will sometimes be referred to under a different moniker, depending on filling, but will still be easily recognisable.

Arroz doce
A popular, staple dessert in the Algarve; Arroz Doce offers a Portuguese twist on rice pudding. The approach to rice pudding in the Algarve is to add extra tanginess and sweetness, often with cinnamon and lemon peel. Eggs are also often added to provide additional thickness.

For a taste of the cuisine that the Algarve has to offer, take a look at our special offers page, which features a range of specially designed culinary experiences; from a course tasting menu, all the way to a gastronomic weekend for two.

For the complete Algarve experience and an exceptional choice of accommodation, head on over to


Rocha Brava Resort
Urb. Rocha Brava, Alfanzina, Praia do Carvoeiro, Carvoeiro 8401-908, Lagoa.
T: (+351) 282 350 370/5