Feasting on art at O Barradas restaurant near Silves

meinkechickensThe O Barradas restaurant is situated in a converted farmhouse between Silves and Lagoa and is run by Luís Pequeno and his German wife Andrea.

The garden dining area and the covered garden terrace both provide the perfect setting for a sultry evening but throughout the summer there is an added dimension.

The owners, Luís and Andrea Pequeno, have welcomed two of the Algarve’s top artists to display their work in their restaurant.

The food at Barradas an elegant twist on traditional Portuguese dishes with using the best local ingredients. Baked wild fish, and the excellent Mirandesa, a free-roaming veal served with homemade fig chutney are two specialities but it seriously is worth a visit just for the sobremesas.

As if this wasn’t enough, the art on display has been created by Eric de Bruijn and Meinke Flesseman and includes food related topics including a variety of amusing chickens.



Eric de Bruijn has exhibited at the Black Gallery in Amsterdam, Museum Heidelberg, Artitude in Spain, and the Miami Art Fair


Meinke Flesseman (from Saatchiart.com )

Born in Holland, she now lives and works in the Algarve in Portugal, and is greatly influenced by her natural surroundings and her relationship with the land.

Meinke creates layered textured canvases, producing depth and intensity of colour. Tonally sublime, the seeping and confidant brushstrokes in her canvases take the viewer on an emotional journey. The images often appear to have a dreamlike, ethereal quality. The landscapes seem to breathe fire, wind and rain.

See also: http://www.meinke-art.co.uk/
