How to Measure pH in Soil: Unlocking Soil Secret

 How to Measure pH in Soil: Unlocking Soil Secret . @freepik from FreepikThe pH of the soil is its level of acidity or alkalinity. Measuring the pH level matters, especially if you plan to plant on the soil. Some plants thrive in an acidic environment, while some prefer a more alkaline condition.

So, by measuring the soil's pH level, you'd know how to adjust it best to suit your project. You can learn many details about the soil, but pH is the best place to start. There are several ways to test soil pH, but using a soil testing kit is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to go about it.

 You can find here the best soil testing kits to test soil pH, identify deficiencies, and more. Keep reading to learn how to use a testing kit to measure soil pH.

How to Measure Soil pH Using a Testing Kit?

Plants have different soil pH preferences. As such, when going into gardening, it's essential to be conversant with where the plant you want to grow falls on the pH chart. In order to grow the plant you want, you need to know what pH level the soil has and what treatment you can use to balance it.

And if you would like to know detailed information about your soil and what remedy will best suit your soil type, we recommend sending your soil sample to the company TryGnome.

But below are steps on how to use a pH testing kit to know the soil's pH level.

1.      Collect a soil sample

Collect a sample of the soil you want to test into a clean container. The container can be a plastic or glass container. But ensure the container you store the soil sample is free of any residue or substances that may alter the pH reading. The part of the soil should be the topsoil layer.

2.     Read the instructions on the testing kit

Not all pH soil testing kits have the same order of preparation. So it's essential that you read the instructions provided by the manufacturer carefully. Typically, the instructions will guide you on how to prepare the sample and perform the test.

3.     Perform the pH test

Most pH testing kits use either capsules, testing strips, or probes. If the testing kit you bought uses capsules, you must mix the soil sample you collected with distilled water. It's important to use distilled water because it's neutral, as water can be slightly acidic or alkaline.

Then, add the capsule to the mixture and stir until the capsule is fully dissolved. If the pH testing kit uses a probe, dip the probes in the soil-water mixture to get a reading. And if the testing kit uses testing strips, dip the strip in the mix.

4.    Observe the color change

In most cases, irrespective of the mode of operation of the pH testing kit, look out for color changes. So when you notice any color change, take note of it. Sometimes it might take up to a minute or more to observe a color change, while sometimes, it might be instant.

5.     Compare the color to the chart.

Whatever color change you observe, compare it with the pH indicator chart. The closest color on the chart is the pH of the soil. Some pH testing kits may present a number. Note that anything 1 to 6 is acidic, 7 is neutral, and 8 to 14 is essential.


In summary, you can use a pH testing kit to get basic information about your soil pH level. It's easy and gives you an answer instantly. But if you're looking for more detailed information about your soil and the best solution to make a specific plant thrive on it, then trust TryGnome.

By sending TryGnome a sample of your soil, they can test it and offer you the best treatment solution to set you on the right gardening path.

 Photo @freepik from Freepik