Understanding Root Causes of Anxiety And Ways to Manage

UNDERSTANDING ROOT CAUSES OF ANXIETY AND WAYS TO MANAGEAnxiety disorders are a kind of mental health condition, considered to be one of the most common illnesses in America. Anxiety is a process experienced by certain people when they feel worried, feared, or nervous, among other things.

It is an emotion that appears in situations of weakness, when they feel threatened or in danger, and that has repercussions on the way they act and continue with their daily life.

It is common to experiment with occasional anxiety. But when it becomes difficult to control, it can affect and interfere with your daily life, it can be considered a mental health disorder. According to peer-reviewed studies published by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, It affects about 1 in 5 adults in the United States. Women are more than twice as likely as men to develop an anxiety disorder in their lifetime.

4 Root Causes of Anxiety & Why You Need to Identify

There are 3 main forms of anxiety:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in which diffuse, nonspecific fears occur spontaneously and randomly and do not have a situation or object as a trigger.
  • Panic disorder that causes panic attacks, and sudden periods of intense fear.
  • Phobias that focus on specific things and are linked to specific trigger objects, situations, or spaces (e.g., social phobia or social anxiety disorder).

As with most mental disorders, there is still no conclusive knowledge about the root causes of anxiety. At present, a large number of causal or triggering factors are assumed, which in combination cause the anxiety disorder. In others words, It is believed that any root cause of anxiety is a combination of environmental factors and genetic factors.

Genetic causes

There is evidence that genetics and family history plays a role in the risk of developing anxiety. Family and twin studies showed that about 30% of the cases are hereditary. Also, genetic studies provided various evidence for the involvement of genetic abnormalities in the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.

Experienced events

Just as a post-traumatic stress disorder, there may be unforeseen situations, traumatic events (accident, robbery), and significant life events (pregnancy, work), which can cause anxiety disorder. In addition, people who experience racial discrimination have a higher risk of developing anxiety and anxiety disorders

Therapists at Health Canal shared that experiencing anxiety may be a sign of an underlying medical condition like chronic illness or an early trauma that can trigger anxiety. In these cases, is necessary for a mental health provider to reveal where do anxiety come from.


There are personalities whose way of dealing with certain situations can represent a root cause of anxiety. It is usually related to personalities whose thoughts are negative, who suffer pressure, who do not know how to manage emotions, etc. It's also common to develop anxiety while living with other mental health problems, such as depression.

Alcohol and drug use

Nowadays, the consumption of certain psychotropic substances is widespread in society, especially among young people. Addictive substances should not only be considered as a root cause of anxiety but also a common thread of depression. They change perception and thinking, which can produce fears that lead to anxiety or depression.

On the one hand, the abuse of some substances such as stimulants may favor the onset of an anxiety disorder but, on the other hand, some people suffering from anxiety disorders tend to resort to drugs as a way to reduce some symptoms, such as nervousness or irritability.

How to Manage the Symptoms

Anxiety symptoms develops slowly, usually beginning during adolescence or early adulthood. People with this disorder may present the following:

  • Have sudden feelings of severe worry
  • Feel restless or have difficulty relaxing or falling asleep
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Having unexplained headaches, muscle aches, stomachaches, or discomfort
  • Having difficulty swallowing
  • Having tremors or twitching
  • Feeling irritable or nervous
  • Sweating a lot, feeling dizzy or short of breath

If you are feeling anxious, you have to learn to control and cope with unexpected situations. You must know your mind and be the one who commands it. Do things that make you feel good, relativize situations, do relaxation exercises and find support from your relatives. These are just tips that you can apply, but no one will help you more than the experts and specialists themselves.

According to an article medically reviewed by Gopal Ramakrishnan, Ph. D some cannabinoid (CBD) oils are also said to be beneficial for relaxation and alleviating anxiety symptoms.

When grappling with the complexities of anxiety, finding solace and strategies for coping can begin with a simple call to a dedicated hotline for anxiety, offering invaluable support and resources.

When to See the Doctor

Other mental health conditions such as mood disorders (major depressive disorder), obsessive-compulsive disorder, and even suicidal thoughts can worsen anxiety. In this case, you have to go with a mental health professional who will dig deeper into the possible root causes.

Generally, some medical conditions just like depression and anxiety disorders are based on a unbalance in the brain chemistry. The way to fix it is by using certain medications which will diminish the anxiety levels and alleviate most of the symptoms. This type of medication is controlled, so the only way to obtain them is with a medical prescription.

As stated on Signalscv.com, when anxiety, depression, and panic disorders become deeper or uncontrolled, therapy may help. Yet, you do not have to wait for your symptoms to become worse before you can go to therapy. When symptoms are continuously becoming out of control, therapy and medication treatment can be combined. All you must do is find qualified professionals.


Anxiety disorders are one of the most frequent mental conditions. Affecting up to 25% of the American population.

According to medically reviewed evidence, any underlying cause will be a combination between genetic predispositions and environmental factors. These medical causes include alcohol and drug use, personality issues, and past experienced events.

In case you experience anxiety or feel anxious, there are some tips you can follow (controlling your mind thoughts, relaxation exercises, finding support from relatives, and CBD oil). However, To ensure a complete state of well-being, the best option is always to assist a professional.