7 Tips to Sleep Better at Night

7 TIPS TO SLEEP BETTER AT NIGHTSleeping through the night in this day and age has proved to be quite the challenge for many people around the world. Due to our deep connection to technology, working overtime, and dealing with the many stresses of life, sleeping well isn’t as easy to come by.

A lack of sleep can cause a myriad of health issues and increase moodiness but it doesn’t have to be that way. Eating well, taking supplements, and setting a routine are just a few of many tips that can help. Follow these 7 tips to sleep better at night.

1. Log Off

Logging off of social media is easier said than done. The way technology, social media, and entertainment has enveloped our daily life leaves many of us living in the cocoon of our phone screens. Phone screens emit a blue light that has the ability to hinder sleep and keep you stimulated. It is crucial that at least an hour before bedtime we logg off all apps on our phones and put our phone away to create a relaxing atmosphere for sleep.

Not only does putting away cell phones before bed help us sleep better at night, turning off all technology is the best approach. Some people enjoy falling asleep to the background sound of the TV but it inhibits the brain and body’s ability to fully relax and immerse in deep stages of sleep. Our bedrooms should be technology free when trying to create an environment to sleep better at night.

2.Go to Bed Earlier

Setting an earlier bedtime can aid in getting better sleep. Similar to a child who sleeps poorly when they are overtired and going to bed late, the same goes for adults. Your body will be in overdrive if you are heading to bed past midnight.

Try to start going to bed earlier by fifteen minute increments. As your body slowly adjusts to an earlier bedtime there will be an improvement in sleep. Staying up late usually means that we aren’t getting enough hours of sleep since most people wake up in the early morning to get ready for work, school, and taking care of children. But in order to fulfill our daily responsibilities with endurance and stamina then it is vital to get a solid night of sleep by going to bed earlier.

3. Set a Routine

One of the most beneficial tips to sleep better at night is to set a routine and get into a daily habit for bedtime. This means having a game plan not just for you but for your entire family too. Create a schedule revolving how bedtime will go. Does that mean dinner will be finished by 7pm, books will be read for 30 minutes and then pajamas come on? Find the vision for how you  want to unwind before bed. Again, make sure technology is excluded from the process.

4. Eat Healthy

Eating right can make drastic improvements in the quality of your sleep. Eating nutrient dense food and filling but healthy meals throughout the day can help you feel fuller and satisfied before going to bed. Eating a healthy diet and making sure you’re getting proper nutrition can ensure that your body won’t be sending you hunger signals at night and many nutrients aid in better sleep. Including chamomile tea is a healthy and relaxing option as a bedtime drink although it is better to stop all liquids at least an hour before bedtime to avoid waking up to use the bathroom at night.

5. Peptides

Peptide research is being studied to see how it affects systems within a living organism. Studies done on fish showed that the peptide Semorelin regulated orexin which is a molecular component that helps to regulate sleep. Sermorelin studies reveal the sleep regulating properties of this particular peptide.

6. Exercise

Physical fitness is a crucial factor in attaining a better night’s rest. Moving the body everyday gives our body proper energy during the day and a state of rest at night. Exercise drives deeper sleep and should be included in our efforts to sleep better at night.

7. No Clocks

Checking the time at night causes anxiety in our body and makes us lose even more sleep. Set an alarm but don’t put the clock anywhere near reach during the night. Reaching for our phones to check the time, or looking at a clock only decreases sleep quality.