Is Kratom Legal?

IS KRATOM LEGAL?Kratom, a tree native to Southeast Asia, is known for its potential medicinal benefits due to the presence of mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. These compounds are associated with pain relief, mood enhancement, and stimulant effects. 

However, its legality is controversial globally, with some places restricting or banning it.

In the U.S., the DEA initially classified it as Schedule I in 2016, but public evidence led to a reversal. While not federally scheduled, some states and cities restrict its sale. 

This article explores Kratom's U.S. legal status, the reasons for varied opinions, and its health benefits and risks. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview for policymakers.

What is Kratom Exactly?

Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna Speciosa, is a psychoactive substance prepared from leaves found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Thailand. 

Users generally chew the leaves, take capsules filled with powdered leaves, or brew tea for its results. 

In Southeast Asia, it has been used for centuries as a natural pain reliever and mood enhancer. For those interested in exploring its potential benefits, options to buy kratom online provide accessibility. 

Despite current claims of its restoring prowess and potential as an opioid alternative, most medical experts caution against its use due to significant health risks. 

The active ingredient in Kratom varies widely among plants, making its effects unexpected and carrying a risk of overdose and severe side effects, including seizures, hallucinations, chills, vomiting, liver damage, or death. 

For these causes, Kratom earned a spot on our watchlist of substances in 2021. The Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) is a prominent initiative aiming to legalize Kratom in specific states while allowing regulators to establish safety measures, like setting a minimum age. 

Some states have embraced the KCPA to shield consumers from unregulated products, which could include synthetic Kratom, fentanyl, or other harmful substances. Currently, four states have passed KCPA bills, and others, like Oregon, are moving towards a legal yet regulated status for Kratom.

What is the Legal Status of Kratom?

Kratom's legal status varies globally. In the U.S., it was initially classified as Schedule I but was declassified in 2016 due to public outcry and scientific evidence. It's not federally scheduled, but certain states and cities have imposed restrictions. 

Checking local laws is crucial before purchasing or consuming Kratom. It's noteworthy that the FDA warns against kratom use, advising avoidance due to associated risks.

In countries like Thailand, it has been a controlled substance since 1943 due to abuse concerns. Australia and New Zealand also ban or restrict Kratom. The DEA classified it as Schedule I in 2016 in the United States, but public outcry and evidence led to a reversal. 

It is not federally scheduled, but some states and cities have restrictions. As of August 2021, Kratom is legal in 47 states except Alabama. However, check local laws before using, as its legal status can change rapidly amid ongoing safety and abuse debates.

The Legality of Kratom in the United States

The legality of Kratom in the United States varies from state to state, with some allowing regulated sales. In contrast, others have banned it due to concerns about potential abuse and dependence. 

Despite not being approved for medicinal use by the FDA, the organization has expressed concerns about the safety of Kratom and issued warnings about its potential side effects, including negative impacts on heart health.

While Kratom maintains its legality at the federal level, specific states and localities have chosen to forbid its sale, possession, cultivation, or usage, classifying it as illegal. Furthermore, certain regions have enforced age restrictions. Below is a detailed analysis of Kratom's legal status across all U.S. states.

The legality of Kratom has caught the attention of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which is considering placing it under the Controlled Substances Act due to concerns about its misuse. 

This botanical product is often consumed as a tea or in drink recipes for recreational purposes, which has raised concerns about addiction possibilities. Kratom can exhibit stimulant-like effects at low doses and sedative ones at higher measures, which has caused alarm. 

However, public opinion and usage statistics may sway the DEA's decision, potentially leading to changes in kratom laws. These changes could either relax or tighten regulations.

At the moment, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of the local regulations before buying or using any Kratom. As of now, Kratom is prohibited in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

What are the Potential Benefits of Kratom?

Pain Management: Kratom has been recognized for its analgesic properties, providing relief for individuals dealing with chronic pain conditions. It interacts with the body's receptors, potentially offering a natural alternative to traditional pain medications.

Mood Enhancement: Some users report an uplift in mood and a reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression. Kratom may act on serotonin receptors, contributing to an improved sense of well-being.

Energy Boost: At lower doses, Kratom can act as a stimulant, promoting alertness and increased energy levels. This effect has led to its use by individuals seeking a natural energy boost.

Focus and Concentration: Users suggest Kratom may enhance cognitive function, promoting better focus and concentration. This has prompted interest in its potential benefits for individuals dealing with attention-related issues

Opioid Withdrawal Aid: Kratom has been explored for its potential role in helping individuals manage opioid withdrawal symptoms. Some believe that its interaction with opioid receptors may offer a less addictive alternative for those striving to overcome opioid dependency.

The benefits of Kratom are anecdotal, and further research is needed; users have reported positive effects in pain management, mood enhancement, energy, focus, and even in aiding opioid withdrawal. It's crucial to approach Kratom use with caution and awareness of individual variations in response.

Why is Kratom Legal?

Factors Behind its Legal Status

Kratom's legal standing is a multifaceted tapestry shaped by various factors. Understanding the reasons behind its legality involves considering several key aspects.

Traditional and Cultural Use: Kratom has deep roots in traditional medicine in Southeast Asia, where it is native. Its historical and cultural significance in rituals and folk medicine may contribute to its legal status, acknowledging its long-standing use.

Lack of Federal Ban: At the federal level in the United States, there is no outright ban on Kratom. Its legal status remains, allowing for its sale, possession, and usage. The absence of federal restrictions provides a framework for its legality.

Potential Therapeutic Uses: Some advocates argue for the potential therapeutic benefits of Kratom, including pain management and mood enhancement. The lack of conclusive evidence either supporting or refuting these claims may contribute to its continued legal status.

Public Advocacy: The active engagement of advocacy groups and individuals who support the responsible use of Kratom has played a role in shaping its legal standing. Public campaigns and testimonials may influence policymakers and public opinion.

Evolving Regulations: The regulatory landscape around Kratom is dynamic, with ongoing discussions at both state and federal levels. As perspectives and research evolve, regulations may adapt to reflect a nuanced understanding of Kratom's effects and risks.

The legality of Kratom is a result of a combination of historical use, federal stance, potential therapeutic applications, public advocacy, and the evolving nature of regulations. As debates and discussions persist, the legal status of Kratom remains subject to change, highlighting the need for ongoing scrutiny and awareness.

Types of Kratom

Kratom, derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, comes in various strains, each with unique properties. Here are some common types of Kratom.

Maeng Da Kratom:

  • Known for its high potency.
  • Offers energy boost and increased focus

Bali Kratom:

  • Famous for its relaxing effects
  • Well-regarded for pain relief

Red Vein Kratom

  • Noted for its calming and soothing properties
  • Often used for relaxation and stress relief

Green Vein Kratom

  • It provides a balance between energy and relaxation
  • Sought after for its moderate effects

White Vein Kratom

  • Known for its stimulating and mood-enhancing effects
  • Often used for increased alertness

Thai Kratom

  • Offers a mix of energy and euphoria
  • Commonly used for productivity and mood enhancement

Malay Kratom

  • Known for its long-lasting effects
  • Provides a gentle energy boost and pain relief

Indo Kratom

  • Varied effects depending on the specific strain
  • Often used for relaxation and pain management

Horned Kratom

  • Recognized by its unique, horn-shaped leaves
  • It may provide a balanced mix of effects

Sumatra Kratom

  • Offers a range of impact depending on the color of the strain
  • Commonly used for its soothing and relaxing properties

These types of Kratom are distinguished by factors such as vein color, region of origin, and specific alkaloid content. Users need to understand the characteristics of each variety to choose the one that best suits their needs.

Does Kratom Show Up on a Drug Test?

Understanding the dynamics between Kratom and drug tests involves considering various factors influencing substance detection during screenings.

Standard drug tests, like urine or blood tests, are not designed to detect kratom alkaloids. While specialized tests targeting Kratom exist, they are not routinely included in standard screenings.

Mitragynine, a primary kratom alkaloid, is the component often sought in specialized tests. However, the infrequent use of these tests in standard employment or legal screenings makes it unlikely for mitragynine to be routinely checked.

Employer policies are crucial, as some workplaces may have specific guidelines regarding substances not covered by standard screenings. Indivi

duals should be mindful of their workplace's policies regarding kratom use.

While standard drug tests typically do not detect Kratom, the existence of specialized tests and varying employer policies underscores the importance of awareness and communication regarding the potential implications of kratom use in specific situations. Staying informed about testing methods in a particular context allows individuals to make well-informed decisions.

Is It Legal to Travel with Kratom?

At the federal level in the United States, Kratom remains legal. This means that, on a national scale, there are no restrictions on transporting or carrying Kratom. However, this overarching legality only sometimes guarantees a seamless travel experience as state-specific regulations come into play.

State regulations regarding Kratom can vary significantly. Before embarking on a journey, it is imperative to research and understand the specific rules in both the departure and destination states and any states through which you may be traveling. Being aware of these variations ensures compliance and prevents any legal complications.

For international travelers, the legality of Kratom takes on an additional layer of complexity. Different countries have distinct regulations, and some may have strict restrictions or outright bans on Kratom. To avoid legal issues during travel, it is paramount to research and understand the destination country's laws thoroughly.

Airlines may also have their own set of rules regarding the transportation of substances like Kratom. Checking with the airline beforehand and ensuring compliance with their policies can help prevent any issues or delays during travel. It's advisable to carry proper documentation, including packaging with clear labeling, to address any inquiries or checks effectively.

Moreover, when crossing international borders, declaring the presence of Kratom on customs forms is a prudent step. Being transparent about the substance can help avoid misunderstandings and legal complications, ensuring a smoother transition through customs.

While traveling with Kratom within the United States is generally legal, a comprehensive understanding of state regulations is crucial. For international travel, thorough research into the destination country's laws, adherence to airline policies, and proper documentation are essential to ensure a trouble-free and legally compliant journey.


The legal status of Kratom presents a complex landscape globally, shaped by safety and abuse concerns. While numerous countries, such as Thailand, have long classified it as a controlled substance due to potential abuse, others, including Australia and New Zealand, have imposed bans or restrictions. 

In the United States, Kratom's legal journey reflects this complexity. Initially labeled a Schedule I controlled substance by the DEA in 2016, making it potentially federally illegal, the decision was reversed amidst public outcry and supported by scientific evidence from kratom advocates. 

Presently, Kratom is not federally scheduled, but it has restrictions in some states and cities. It's crucial to check local regulations before using Kratom due to ongoing safety debates. Further research is necessary to understand the benefits and risks influencing regulatory decisions at comprehensively various levels.


Does Kratom help with anxiety?

Kratom's impact on anxiety is not fully understood, necessitating further research into its anxiolytic potential. Some report that moderate kratom doses bring a calming effect, alleviating stress, while higher doses may induce agitation. The active compounds mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine possess both stimulant and sedative effects, contributing to the complex relationship with anxiety.

Is Kratom safe for everyone?

Kratom's safety is debatable; while some use it without issues, others report serious side effects. The FDA warns about potential risks, including liver damage, seizures, and addiction. Kratom can interact with medications and substances, emphasizing the importance of consulting a healthcare professional before use, especially with a history of substance abuse or medical conditions. It's crucial to obtain Kratom from a reputable source, ensuring it undergoes purity and contaminant testing.

Can I take Kratom on an Empty Stomach?

It is advised to take Kratom with food or a full glass of water to minimize stomach discomfort and nausea, common side effects, especially in higher doses. Consuming it with food slows absorption, reducing the intensity of these effects and preventing harshness on an empty stomach. Finding the optimal dosage and consumption method and listening to your body for individual preferences are vital.

Can I work after consuming Kratom?

The impact of Kratom on work performance can vary among individuals. While some users report increased focus and energy, others may experience sedation or drowsiness. It's advisable to gauge your response to Kratom and its specific strains. It's crucial to avoid tasks that require alertness, such as operating machinery or driving, until you understand how Kratom affects you personally.

Is Kratom Good for Pain Relief?

Though some use Kratom for pain relief, scientific backing is limited. Kratom interacts with opioid receptors, potentially explaining its effects, but research gaps persist. Safety concerns, including addiction risks, warrant caution. Consulting a healthcare provider before using Kratom for pain relief or any health issue is essential.