Hands on Respect - Massage in Schools Program

Hands on Respect - Massage in Schools ProgramThe Portuguese Association of Massage in Schools, also known as MISA Portugal, is a member of the International MISA (Massage In Schools Association) and aims to promote the art of Massage in Schools Program, conducting education in several areas linked to positive touch, and to encourage and facilitate various forms of social volunteering in the area Massage in Schools program and the community.

Officially established in 2000, in the UK, by Mia Elmsater (Sweden) and Sylvie Hétu (Canada), in response to a request from the British government to promote a strategy to replace bullying by respect, reducing violence and encouraging motivation and learning in schools for all children from 4 to 12 years, the Massage in Schools Programme (Programme MISA) mission is to provide professional and high quality training to all teachers and caring adults who want to bring nutritious touch to schools, and it's vision is that all children in the Massage in Schools Programme experience positive and nourishing touch every day ... everywhere in the world.

The Massage in Schools Programme is aimed at children from 4 to 12 years and is a well structured, simple and easy to learn program for children, introducing a routine of movements promoting moments of well-being in the context of the classroom or family.
The massage is done in pairs (child to child) and all children are to ask permission before starting, and thank at the end. This introduces touch and movement as a teaching methodology, and the syllabus for the Massage in Schools Programme is implemented, it is of course essential to have the consent of parents.

The project has proven benefits in terms of preventing and reducing bullying (inside and outside the classroom), combating stress, increasing concentration and motivation, improving capacity for relationship with others, enhancing respect for self and others, a quieter environment in the classroom, increased ability to work both individually and as a group, increased inner awareness and self-esteem, ability to distinguish between good and bad touch, and greater respect for others, materials and school facilities.

The Massage in Schools Programme is implemented and present in around 24 countries, having been introduced for the first time in Portugal in 2007. The programme has been developed in several areas of the country, and continuously in Faro, in public and private school groups since 2010, and it is therefore natural that this region has been chosen for MISA Portugal which now gives it an institutional structure, next to their international counterparts, under the auspices, protection and regulation of International MISA.

For more information please contact Sylvie Conde on 919 485 391 or email massagemnasescolasportugal2012@gmail.com.

W: https://sites.google.com/site/massagemnasescolasportugal/home  | http://www.massageinschools.com/