Residency in Portugal - how did you register?

brexitLenBritish in Europe is running  a survey to help us find out more about your experiences of registering for residence as a British citizen when you arrived in your host EU country , and also of applying for a permanent residence card after five years.
Why are we doing this just now?
Well, the EU 27 countries will very shortly be considering how to ‘register’ UK citizens living in the EU after 31 December 2020: to continue the current declaratory system, or to introduce a new constitutive system where we would be required to apply for a new status, in keeping with the UK’s wish to oblige EU27 citizens to apply for ‘settled status’ rather than simply confirm their existing rights.
We need to know your views and experiences to help our input into the process.
The survey will be open for just 10 days, until Wednesday 9 May 2018, so don’t hang around too long! Time really is of the essence and it’s important that we get as many responses as possible, right across the EU.
Please go to the survey from this link: