New video blasts Edd's Beach development for planning and environmental violations

pintadinhobeach"The story of Edd's Beach is a modern scandal involving the privatisation of public land and the environmental destruction of a national ecological reserve repeated planning violations, the violation of court orders and law suits and arrogance from the developer Edwin Opstelten and his Crowdfunding project."

This sentence introduces a ten-minute video about the planning and environmental violations covertly sanctioned by Lagoa Ccouncil's Mayor, Franciscio Martins and the toothless lack of enforcement of national environmental laws covering Ecological Reserve land.

Click on this link:

For further background, see:

1. Edd's Beach project - Loulé Court issues injunction but work continues ...

2. Lagoa council ingores complaints of illegal building work at 'Edd's Beach' ...

3. Ferragudo - Pintadinho beach public access 'severely restricted' by local property developer