7 Prominent Facts You Must Know About the Camp Lejeune Justice Act 

7 PROMINENT FACTS YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT THE CAMP LEJEUNE JUSTICE ACT As of August 2022, Congress finally passed the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, as well as the broader Honoring Our PACT Act. This legislation helps victims of the Camp Lejeune water contamination scandal seek justice, and cash settlements, from the US government.

Veterans, their family members, and more can seek damages and settlements from the US government through lawsuits, thanks to this important act being passed. There are seven prominent facts you must know about the Camp Lejeune Justice Act: 

1. The Law is Related to the Marine Corps Training Base

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act is connected to Camp Lejeune, the military base that is best known for training the US Marine Corps' newest recruits. The base is located in Jacksonville, North Carolina, and was founded in 1941. Between the years of 1953 and 1987, the Camp Lejeune water contamination scandal ran rampant. Tragically, they were toxic and caused residents of the base to develop severe, and sometimes deadly health conditions. 

2. More than Just Veterans Were Affected

Because the base is so large, more than just veterans were living there when the contamination ran rampant. Their family members, and civilian contractors who helped to keep the base running, were also affected by the toxic water they were exposed to daily. Thankfully, all of these groups can now sue the government for their lack of responsibility, and can potentially receive settlements to compensate them for their suffering. 

3. The Law Builds Upon Past Action

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act is not the first law to address the base’s water contamination scandal. In 2012, the Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 was passed to provide VA disability benefits to affected veterans, and their family members. Unfortunately, civilian contractors were not considered eligible for these benefits. Additionally, this act did not provide victims with the ability to seek compensation for their suffering. 

4. The Government Knew About Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune

Perhaps the saddest part of the Camp Lejeune water contamination scandal is that the government played a hand in covering up, ignoring, and obfuscating the reality of the scandal (and its negative health impact on residents) for years. If the government had taken appropriately decisive, responsible action, many people’s lives, and quality of life would not have been negatively impacted.

5. Settlements are Not Affected by VA Disability Benefits 

Even if you received VA disability benefits through the Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012, or if you’re currently receiving VA disability benefits via another route, you still qualify for the Camp Lejeune Justice Act’s benefits. You now have the right to seek a large settlement and other benefits from the US government. Families and legal representatives of deceased victims can take legal action on their behalf as well. 

6. VOCs Were Responsible for Negative Side-Effects

The water contamination at Camp Lejeune was caused by volatile organic compounds (or VOCs). Benzene, vinyl chloride, and other harmful contaminants infected the water supply, causing Camp Lejeune residents to be exposed to them day, after day, after day. This prolonged exposure caused hundreds of thousands of residents to develop harmful, and sometimes-deadly health conditions. Once again, the government was aware that these compounds existed at dangerously high levels within Camp Lejeune’s water supply for decades before taking action. The scandal was in fact preventable. 

7. Many Diseases are Connected to the Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune

The list of diseases connected to Camp Lejeune’s water contamination scandal is vast. More diseases are added to this list as the research surrounding the scandal, and its impact on victims continues. Both government and private agencies are working to ensure every disease is covered by the Camp Lejeune Justice Act. Currently, these are some of the most common diseases that have been linked to the scandal: 

-Parkinson Disease

-End-Stage Renal Disease 

-Multiple Myeloma

-Breast Cancer

-Bladder Cancer

-Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma


-Kidney Cancer

-Cardiac Birth Defects

-Neural Tube Defects

-Fetal Death

-Low Birth Weight

-Female Infertility

-Choanal Atresia


-Major Malformations

-Oral Cleft Defects

-Liver Cirrhosis


-Pancreatic Cancer

-Ovarian Cancer

-Prostate Cancer

-Lung Cancer

-Liver Cancer

-Esophageal Cancer

-Brain Cancer

-Soft Tissue Cancer

-Rectal Cancer

You're One Step Closer to the Settlement You Deserve

Thanks to the passing of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, victims are now one step closer to the settlements they deserve. While you can file a lawsuit on your own, having a knowledgeable veteran’s rights attorney by your side can help you speed through the sometimes-complex legal process. To file successfully, you’ll need documentation about your illness, its costs, and documentation that proves you were a resident of Camp Lejeune for more than 30 days between 1953 and 1987.