Votes for Expat Brits - what you can do

Votes for Expat BritsMembers of the Votes for Expat Brits Campaign Team continue to get asked what can be done to keep promoting the campaign.

There are 10 things that we can all do, on an ongoing basis, to encourage and promote our campaign...


Here are ten points for consideration:

•    Continue with writing to our last member of member of the House of Commons;

•    Write to our last MEP;

•    Step up writing to both the four quality UK publications plus the many various English language expat publications who already give us both good coverage and support;

•    Continue to promote the various e: Government petitions; &

•    To attend the Viviane Reding, and her fellow Commissioners ,"Citizen Dialogue" meeting road shows across the EU;

•    We need to encourage the younger professional/career minded expats and to do that we need to make much more use, "as a matter of priority," of Twitter and Facebook as this is how they normally prefer and like to communicate with each other and not necessarily by the more traditional form of email

•    Make more use of pro active forums like SFN - France. If anybody knows of any others I would very much appreciate receiving details

•    Encourage more people to to set up their own campaign blog sites; & MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be

•    We still need to keep networking ourselves and it is essential that we forward all mails to friends/family/friends

•    The Electoral Commission is running an online registration and system testing campaign targeting British citizens living overseas in the countries with the highest number of British citizens; Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, UAE & USA. The online campaign will begin in mid February 2014 and it is essential that we boost the registration of the number of overseas voters and get ourselves involved.  
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