Olhão’s new Christmas Market in the classic 'Recreativa' building

RecreativaSmallOlhão’s newest cultural association is throwing open its doors for a special Christmas Market.

Established only last month, the ‘Associação Cultural Re-Criativa República 14’ is based in the beautiful, low white 'Recreativa' building near the Church in Olhão’s Avenida da República and to celebrate the association's creation, a Christmas Market is being held over two weekends from the 8th of December.

This arts association's Christmas Market will be held over two weekends in December* and offers everyone the chance to buy Christmas gifts and to look around the beautiful and original building, one of Olhão’s finest.

Already known locally as 'the Recreativa',  No.14, Avenida da República was the essential focal point for the city’s cultural life for generations of Olhanenses until it had to close a few years ago.

The booming cultural scene in Olhão encouraged a new group of people,  including local foreign residents, to form a new association so that the beautiful building once again could be used for the public good - courtesy of its owner, Leal Cabrita, Lda.

The ‘Re-Criativa República 14 Association' has been formed with the arts at the heart of its programme of events.

Several well-known artists, living in Olhão, already are involved including the singer Viviane, the musicians Tó Viegas, Elísio Donas and Paulo Franco, the Dutch painter, Meinke Flesseman, and musicians Fernando Júdice and José Salgueiro, noted for musical projects such as Trovante and Resistência.

Many others are joining the new association and showing their support by helping to renovate and clean the building in time for the December Christmas Market.

Porta Aberta na República - a Christmas Market is taking place on the second and third weekends of December and welcomes everyone to browse and buy Christmas gifts from craftsmen, artists, painters, jewellers and local charities - plus food and drink will be in ample supply.

For traders and charities - if you want a space at the Olhão Christmas Market, hurry and click THIS LINK to make your booking


There will be music, fun and surprises so make a note of the dates:

* December 8th, 9th and 10th


15th, 16th and 17th

Open from 11am to 7pm


The new association already has been welcoming new members. If you want to join in and help make the association a full, vibrant and successful part of Olhão’s cultural life, why not apply for membership now? Please click







