First annual lecture in memory of John Lavranos - Feb 28th

cactusinPotThe first annual lecture in memory of John Jacob Lavranos will be held on Thursday, February 28 at Albufeira Library at 10am.

Entitled “Discovering John Lavranos: Our travels in Namibia and Madagascar”, the lecture will be a tribute to the succulent plants’ specialist.

The Memorial Lecture, organised by the Mediterranean Gardening Association-Portugal (MGAP), will feature an illustrated talk by Tim Harvey, an authority on succulents in his own right and a good friend of John (March 29, 1926 Corfu – February 1, 2018 Portugal).

It is being held in conjunction with ASAS (Algarve Succulent Appreciation Society).

Gerhard Marx in Vol 78-2 of the Cactus and Succulent Journal (March–April 2006) said: “If the last century of contributions to our knowledge of succulent plants could be compared to a large greenhouse, then John Lavranos would be one of the supporting poles near the centre. Not only has he found so many of Mother Nature’s well-hidden and most beautiful succulent treasures, but he has shared the resulting knowledge and material with utmost generosity.”

MGAP aims “to promote mediterranean plants and gardens, through education, cultivation, conservation and recognition of their communal, environmental and economic importance in our everyday lives”.

All are welcome to attend. Cost is €5 per person on the door.


