Pursue Your Dreams

PURSUE YOUR DREAMSI think it all began when aged 14 in a southern England boarding school (for tricky kids) where I still remember (funny how we do) playing a game with the headmaster, who smoked cigars.

Around that time was a song in my head (of many) which had the lyrics "I hope he doesn't push me too far...-ooh the man with the cigar" and I remember singing it and getting a clip on the head.

The school in question had music in the curriculum and a school orchestra, but more pertinent yearly Pantomimes (musical theatre pieces with comedy) such as Cinderella, Babes In The Wood etc. That year I progressed to a leading part of the "Wicked Squire" in "Babes In The Wood", but more interesting was in the middle of serious comic style scenes I would diversify to sing a song. The unique song I remember singing was "Everybody Knows" by a popular group called "The Dave Clark Five".
Then I remember turning back to the scene in the pantomime (in banter with the public) and saying to the kidnappers " You poor weak fools - you're new to this game I can see, and if you're not careful I'll throw you both in prison".

Well, I left school and very young found myself in the hotel business in the South and then in London, around 20 years old. Here I would read "The New Musical Express" which would have columns about pubs and their talent competitions. I remember participating a few in London and on the south coast and could generally find myself in the top four. In London I steered myself to a vocal coach called Arnold Rose, whose blue hardback book "The Singer & The Voice" I still have today.
Well in those days I was working in hotels in the day and pubs in the evening, so had little time for singing and it drifted away, as I focused on trying to find my way in life. It led me to working (and staying abroad).

Over the years while working in hotels I participated a song festival in Belgium and gained 4th place. In Holland I participated a group recording of a song in Holland called "Peace In The Holyland" that was released around the time of expected stability in that region. However, I decided that I preferred and felt more suited to ballads and Jazz to the Pop type of music, so while offered a contract I decided to exit that project.

Life went on and hotel business changed to (I.T.) Information Systems and singing was really a totally housebound private affair.
I met my Portuguese future wife in Holland and we moved to Portugal, where I continued Information Technology and led a small known subsidiary of a software and point of sale company for many years.

Music was always in my brain and I had bought a Roland FP-7F supernatural piano (keyboard) at home, to try to progress playing piano. I had decided in my own time to follow music and subject myself to vocal coaching, which involved several great individuals and locations in Portugal such as Hot Clube.

In 2018, I was remotely introduced to Ruben Alves, a Portuguese Pianist/Artist and began Piano lessons in 2018. It did not take me too long beforeIi recognised the talent of Ruben and was motivated away from Piano to present him with some sheet music of some "standards" for singing.

So, to try to keep the story short, it was Ruben Alves who advised me how I could pursue dreams of making a CD (in a Portuguese studio) through his contacts, and following my selection of songs, we recorded together and I released "But Beautiful", an album with 9 tracks, in November, 2019. A year later I released "Let It Be Me" with 13 tracks.
My songs can be found on Spotify, Youtube, Amazon, Deezer and many other channels. CD audio's are also available on request.

We are currently in rehersals with 14 tracks for my new album ("Perhaps Love") which will be recorded during May, for a digital channels release in June.

For those who would rush to private recordings it is an expensive process. I have learned that the musical distribution world is not for the faint-hearted, and is a maze to steer through if you are on your own.

Happily, later in life I have found a great deal of pleasure (and sweat) in fullfilling my recording dream, and hope you will take a listen, subscribe and follow my channels. 😊


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