Living Abroad: How to Make Expat Life Easier

LIVING ABROAD: HOW TO MAKE EXPAT LIFE EASIERLiving abroad is one of the ultimate dreams. However, when people think about expat life, they think about sipping mojitos on the beach every afternoon and dining out at local exotic restaurants every evening, making new friends, and experiencing a new culture. What they don’t think about is the stress of everyday life. After all, in general, living abroad doesn’t absolve you of bills, the need to work, or other daily realities.

Expat life can be made easier, though. It isn’t all doom and gloom, and you can move to your perfect destination and truly flourish. To help you achieve your dream, we’ve put some handy tips below. Let’s look at how simple things like buying some walking shoes and using a VPN can make your expat life easier.

Focus on the Job Hunt

Ideally, you should have a job already lined up before you go. Money will undoubtedly be your biggest worry, and you can’t even begin to enjoy the experience if you’re lying awake at night thinking about how to pay any incoming bills. Put in as many hours as it takes beforehand to ensure you have a job to begin after your arrival.

Never Stop Exploring

Getting outside often will help remind you why you are there in the first place. And while the beach is a great place to hang out, it’s a good idea to switch it up with long walks around your neighborhood and nearby towns. Wherever you end up, there will always be endless places for you to bumble around and explore. Think about buying yourself a decent pair of walking shoes so you can begin to find joy in where you live as well as getting some mental clarity with long, refreshing walks.

You can also drive to faraway cities or take public transport to points of interest so you can enjoy other parts of the country. Seeing as many places as you can in your new country will make you feel more settled and secure.

It’s worth also noting that when you are out and about on your adventures, you should always use a VPN whenever you are connecting to public Wi-Fi, such as in a library or cafe. Having a VPN app already installed on your phone and switching it on each time you’re using the internet away from your home is simple and keeps you safe.

Keeping your personal information protected is especially important when you’re away from your home country, as you’ll have a much harder time rectifying any situation in an unfamiliar setting.

Learn the Language

This one goes without saying. Learning the local language will change your life as well as make your expat life infinitely easier. Think about how many times you’ll have to speak to people when it comes to setting up utilities, paying bills, opening a bank account, finding a job or place to live, asking about processes and procedures, speaking to doctors, dentists, opticians, and so on.

There is no way around that you’ll have to do a lot of talking just dealing with basic life necessities. Learn the language, or at least show that you are trying. If you can reach the point of fluency, you can sail through whatever paperwork, emergency, or bureaucracy is thrown your way.

Make Friends

Making friends is tough, and the older you get, the harder it can feel. Now add in the fact that you’re in a foreign country, out of your comfort zone, and you’ll be forgiven for wanting to hide away at home. However, making friends is the best way to be part of the community. And when you’re part of the community, you automatically feel happier.

Making a life abroad is about new experiences and building connections, making friends, and having a place where you feel you belong can make those experiences so much better. So, head into the local bars or community activities and find some wonderful people you can spend time with.

Mitigate Homesickness

No matter how happy you feel in your new country, you will have waves of homesickness from time to time. Sometimes a familiar smell or sound will set it off. Other times, it will randomly wash over you without warning. Homesickness is a pretty awful feeling, and it’s in these moments that expats can feel most down and lonely.

It’s not unusual for people to end up returning to their home country because the homesickness was too much for them to bear. However, watching your favorite shows and listening to radio shows from back home or cooking familiar recipes will all help you fight off those pesky feelings and keep you perky and content.

Adjusting to expat life is never going to be 100% smooth sailing. Moving your life to a new country is a huge deal, and you should be proud of yourself for taking the huge step. But following our advice will go a long way to helping make your expat life much easier!