How to Land Your Dream Job in 2022

HOW TO LAND YOUR DREAM JOB IN 20222022 is the year to land your dream job. With “The Great Resignation” in 2021, many companies are facing a labour shortage. Now, it’s easier than ever to acquire your perfect position. But, you still have to go about it the right way. Below, we’ve outlined top strategies from C-suite executives to help you land the job of your dreams. 

Know what you want

“The first step in landing your dream job is to figure out what your dream job is. Be specific. If you already know the industry you want to work in, then figure out exactly what role you want to have in that industry,” says Lauren Kleinman, Co-Founder of The Quality Edit. “You won’t be able to chart out your path until you know exactly where you want that path to lead.” 

Know your value

“You don’t need to be a genius or a visionary, or even a college graduate for that matter, to be successful. You just need framework and a dream,” says Michael Dell, Founder and CEO of Dell Technologies

Don’t sell yourself short. Even if you don’t have years of experience that doesn’t mean you don’t have quality experience under your belt. Consider the skills and knowledge that you’ve accumulated when interviewing for your dream job. Highlight what you’ve learned in the past and how you’re going to apply it to this future position. 

See the job requirements as guidelines 

“Many times people won’t apply to their dream job because they’re intimidated by the requirements. Instead, look at the job requirements as guidelines, not set in stone. While some skills may be non-negotiable, many times experience can substitute for education,” says Omid Semino, CEO and Founder of Diamond Mansion

The bottom line is, it never hurts to throw your hat in the ring. If it’s truly your dream job, you need to go for it. If you make it to the interview process, you can share your enthusiasm for the position, along with why you’re a great fit for the role.

Work on yourself

It’s wise to become introspective when trying to land the job of your dreams. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and write them down. Then, create a plan to work on your weaknesses. Is there a skill that you don’t have that is holding you back from achieving your dreams? If so, make 2022 the year that you work on yourself. By improving yourself, you’re improving your chances at obtaining that dream job. 

Create your story

“Don’t count out the importance of a cover letter. Many prospective employees believe their resume is the only essential piece of their application, but your cover letter is where you can craft your story and let the hiring manager know why you want the job. Your resume gives your prospective employer your highlights, but your cover letter tells your narrative,” says Dylan Trussell, Co-Founder of Culprit Underwear.

Are you a confident career-changer looking to tie your skills and experience to a new industry? Or, are you a shrewd underdog hoping to trade your skills for experience? Add color and context to who you are when applying for a position. 

Work on your elevator pitch

“When trying to land your dream job, it’s smart to have your elevator pitch nailed down. You should be able to answer who you are, what you do, and what you’re looking for in an interesting, but concise way. This elevator pitch will come in handy in your cover letter, resume, and interview,” says Michael Jankie, Founder of The Natural Patch Co

“It’s also great to have on hand when you’re networking. Most people have short attention spans, so it’s crucial to explain what you’re looking for in 30 seconds or less,” says Jankie. 

Outsmart the resume bots

“For better or worse, most resumes now are scanned by software before a human lays eyes on them. The good news is, you can outsmart the resume bots. Have the job description in front of you when composing your cover letter and resume and make sure you use the right keywords,” says Lindsay McCormick, Founder and CEO of Bite

This is essential if you want your resume to be viewed by an actual employer. While you shouldn’t lie, you should use as many applicable keywords as possible. This will ensure you get past the first round of the application process, and one step closer to landing your dream job. 


“The majority of jobs are filled through network referrals. It’s crucial that people know you’re looking. Attend industry specific or networking events. You never know who you might run into,” says Jaymee Messler, CEO of The Gaming Society. “It’s also smart to leave every job on good terms. Sometimes an old boss is a great referral source, especially if they’re willing to vouch for you.” 

Don’t be afraid to reach out to anyone you have a relationship with. Family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances can all turn you from a faceless applicant to a job contender. 

Package yourself well

You’re going to want to revamp your resume if you’re on the hunt for your dream job. Resumes should be personalized to each job you’re applying for, but if it hasn’t been updated in a while, now is the time. 

Also, learn to write a stellar cover letter that shows the warm person behind the cold resume. And last, but not least, prepare for a potential interview. Research the company you’re trying to land a job at so you can ask insightful questions and present yourself as the total package.

Design it yourself

“Your dream job may not exist, at least not yet. Maybe you found your dream company, but there’s not an open position or a position that seems right. That’s okay,” says Jeremy Gardner, CEO of MadeMan. “Get your foot in the door. If you’re truly a top candidate, get hired and then create your dream position. Companies want talented people who are innovative and think outside the box.” 

The important thing is to find the right company that will allow you to grow and flourish as an employee. If you have a vision for the company, share that with them in the interview. Be honest about your goals and how they can work in tandem with the company’s goals to achieve mutual success. 

Don’t jump too quickly

“Patience is a virtue. Don’t be too quick to accept any job that comes your way if you’re trying to land your dream job,” says Michael Hennessy, Founder and CEO of Diathrive. “Just as you’re being interviewed, you need to interview your prospective employer as well. Ask yourself, is this really where you want to work? Is this role going to help you achieve your goals?” 

It’s easy to be wooed, but it’s important to take a step back and really make sure this is the right job for you. Also, don’t be afraid to negotiate. Even if it is your dream job, you have the right to negotiate your pay and benefits. You still have the upper hand, especially in today’s job market.

Be visible

“When you apply for a job, companies are likely to research you. Make sure they don’t have to work too hard. Have your LinkedIn up-to-date with useful information such as experience, stats, and facts,” says Amanda E. Johnson, CMO of HIDE

“Also, be visible in your industry. If possible, speak at events, publish articles, or offer work pro bono. Make sure you’re known. This will help in your recruitment efforts,” says Johnson.

Really care

“This should go without saying, but you need to be passionate about landing your ideal position. If you’re offered an interview for your dream job, tell the company why it would be a dream to work for them,” says Brandon Lurie, Marketing Director at Y Meadows. “Do your research and impress them with intelligent questions that show you not only understand the company, but you know what you bring to the table.”

Be engaged

Many people are recruited for their dream job by headhunters. Recruiters are interested in passive candidates who are engaged elsewhere. So, it’s actually best to be employed at a job where you’re dominating the competition. 

Headhunters don’t go after people who are desperate. It’s important to be invested in your current role and performing well. You’re more likely to be approached if you’re known as a top employee.

Be confident

“In today’s world you have to interact. You can’t be some difficult, shy person who is not able to look somebody in the face; you have to present yourself. You have to know how to talk about your vision, your focus and what you believe in,” says Anna Wintour, Editor-in-Chief of Vogue.

Be confident when applying for your dream job. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will. Project that confidence when talking about your dream. You’re more likely to achieve your vision when you’re able to inspire others along the way.