4 Things To Consider Before Buying a Home Sauna

 THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE BUYING A HOME SAUNARegularly using a sauna can provide you with incredible health benefits, from reducing stress to increasing blood circulation.

Whether you've used saunas before or are brand new to saunas, you may be considering buying a home sauna to enjoy the benefits right from the comfort of your home.

Before you start shopping for a home sauna, read on for a few considerations you want to make to find the best product for you.

What Type of Home Sauna do you Want?

There are two main types of home saunas to consider purchasing: a traditional sauna and an infrared sauna. Each type offers its own features so you want to find the one that closely matches what you're looking for. 

Traditional Sauna

A traditional sauna provides a typical experience where you relax in a room with high temperatures. Commonly called the Finnish sauna, the traditional sauna is a room lined with wood and is heated by an electric sauna heater that's filled with rocks. Water can be poured over the rocks to elevate the steam experience.

A traditional sauna heats the air to then heat the body. These saunas can be heated to 150–190 degrees Fahrenheit and you have the luxury of choosing not only your temperature but the humidity of your sauna. The optimal time to spend in a traditional sauna is 10–15 minutes. 

Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas are designed similarly to traditional saunas with wood-lined rooms but instead of an electric heater covered with rocks, the heat is produced using infrared technology. The infrared heats the body directly as opposed to a traditional sauna which heats the room and heats at a temperature of between 120–150 degrees Fahrenheit. Since no water is used, an infrared sauna features dry heat.

The recommended time to spend in an infrared sauna is the same as a traditional sauna at 10–15 minutes. Since the temperature in an infrared sauna is lower, some people choose to extend their session times a bit based on their level of comfort, typically around 25–30 minutes.

Will your Home Sauna be Indoors or Outdoors?

When considering a home sauna, you want to determine the location of it, particularly if you'd prefer to have it indoors or outdoors. You can choose either for your sauna, but it's important to know as some saunas are specifically designed for either space so it's beneficial to know what you're looking for.

If you choose to have an outdoor sauna, you want to consider how it will go with your outdoor space. You'll want a sauna with a roofing style and housing style that compliments your outdoor area. Many people opt for an indoor sauna in the basement area, where there is likely plenty of space to create a personal relaxing oasis. Some people also choose to add a sauna to a bathroom in their home.

Before you start shopping, you want to determine the location of your sauna not just indoors or outdoors, but where in those locations you'd like it to be. This is essential to get the right sizing when shopping for your home sauna.

Who Will be Using the Sauna?

Saunas come in a variety of sizes to house a specific number of people. You want to ensure your home sauna can accommodate the people who will be using it. If the sauna is for you and your partner, a small sauna will suit you well. If you have a big family or love to entertain and need a home sauna that accommodates several people, opt for a larger size sauna.

What Additional Features and Accessories are you Looking for?

Determining the home sauna type you want is essential, but what about other features? Some popular features to consider are the type of doors or wood-lining. Next, you want to think about what you need to enhance your home sauna experience, such as a bucket (for a traditional sauna) to pour water on the rocks, linens, or essential oils. Having these needs in mind helps you find a sauna that can accommodate what you're looking for.


Adding a sauna to your home creates a luxuriously relaxing experience. It's an investment that's well worth it when you consider the benefits of a home sauna. Before you begin shopping, make sure you're well-versed in what you're looking for. You want to find the best product for you that's going to deliver everything you need from a home sauna.