Six things you should avoid when starting out as a photographer

SIX THINGS YOU SHOULD AVOID WHEN STARTING OUT AS A PHOTOGRAPHERIt's okay to make mistakes. If you've never made a mistake, you've done nothing. However, some photography mistakes can be avoided, and it will only make your work better. Today we're going to tell you how to do that.

Of the major mistakes, however, is to avoid working with photo editors. On Skylum's blog, you'll learn about making flyers in Photoshop and other useful things.

So, let's get started. Read the article carefully and don't make these mistakes!

Not reading your camera manual

When you buy a new camera, the first thing you want to do is start using it right away. However, don't be in a hurry. The best thing you can do at this point is to open the manual and read it carefully. Today's manuals are not just rules of settings, they are real mini-tutorials where you can find a lot of interesting things about such things:

  • black and white balance;
  • ISO settings;
  • changing brightness and contrast.

Some manuals even give you helpful tips on photo editing, like how to make a flyer with Photoshop, crop it or cut the background.

When you first start using your camera, don't stash the manual far away. Put it in your camera bag. That way it will always be on hand. The more often you take pictures, the less often you will need the manual.

Buying too much photography gear

If you are a professional photographer, you need a lot of equipment. In addition to a camera, the list includes:

  • lenses;
  • camera bag;
  • a hand strap.

However, it is important not to go overboard here. Many beginning photographers buy too much equipment that they don't use. It just lies around and gets dusty, so it's a waste of money. You can find a much better use for it. For example, you can go on a photography tour, where you can find inspiration and take a lot of stunning pictures. As an alternative, you can take courses on photo editors, where you can learn about creating a flyer in Photoshop and other useful things that will make your pictures incredible.

Not challenging yourself

In photography, as in any other activity, there is a harsh law: if you do not learn, you are out of the trend. One of the most difficult skills you have to learn is low-light shooting. You'll need to figure out what ISOs you need for this, so you'll have to keep practicing. For this, we suggest you try taking photos in a dark room or at night. If you don't want to challenge yourself, you will have to limit yourself to standard pictures, which will never win the recognition of the audience.

Settling for a photo

You should always strive for perfection. Admit that you repeatedly found yourself in a situation where you could have taken a better photo, but you were too lazy to take the time to do so.

You should never do that! The thing is, if you do it once, it will become a habit. All of your photos will suffer as a result. If you want to create real photographic masterpieces, don't be afraid to waste time, because the result will be worth it.

Buying to much photography equipment“Fixing it” in post-production

Of course, photo editors are your best friends, but you should not abuse them. We're sure that pictures benefit from post-processing, but relying solely on apps is categorically wrong. If you do everything right with your camera, the changes will be minimal and you will be able to show your full potential. It will also help you save time, as it will take a few extra minutes to create the perfect picture with photo equipment, whereas you will spend a lot more on using an editing app.

Listening too much to other people

Even the best photographer needs feedback. Unfortunately, most people judge pictures subjectively. We say "unfortunately" because it doesn't reflect the objective situation. This can be a real disaster for beginning photographers because they pay too much attention to feedback.

Of course, we do not discourage you from completely rejecting comments, especially if there is constructive criticism. It's what makes growth happen. But if it bothers you too much, try to ignore the feedback for a while. When your armor is stronger, go back to social networks.


Remember, in addition to the skills of good photography, you have a lot to learn. The list includes:

  • composition building;
  • interacting with models;
  • working with photo editors.

You can find lots of helpful tips on Skylum's blog. Professional photographers talk about making flyers in Photoshop, using filters, and more. Read and enjoy!

We didn't tell you about the mistakes so that you would constantly be afraid to make them. This article was created to make your path to photography easier and more fun. Remember that a hobby, just like your main job, should be fun, so don't be afraid to experiment! We are sure that you will definitely succeed!