CBD in Europe: legislative situation  

CBD IN EUROPE: LEGISLATIVE SITUATION  Currently, more and more people are appreciating and using products that have CBD in them. The latter is the acronym representing light cannabis, i.e. the one without the active psychotropic ingredient (THC).

However, it must also be said that regarding Irish and European law, not all of them favour the CBD.

CBD is now legal in Europe, and you can legally buy CBD extracts on Justbob and get them delivered to your doorstep in no time!

Overall, there are those nations intend to legalize the cultivation of hemp that contains CBD, given that its products have various benefits. If you want to read more about it, click here.

Conversely, other countries are totally against regular access to CBD products. So let's see the situation in Europe.

But what happens in Italy, for example?

Italy is now leading the CBD market in Europe with some of the best online e-commerce for CBD. 

In the territory, the use of cannabidiol is not prohibited by law. If, on the other hand, we talk about light cannabis and its cultivation, then the situation becomes much more complex.

First of all, the valuable cultivation for producing fibres or for other uses on an industrial level is a type of procedure that the law allows performing. On the other hand, however, its parts are believed to be a drug plant.

It follows that the producers, precisely because of this double interpretation, have had to face various problems from a legal point of view. It is essential to add that they have always won these lawsuits against the state.

Concerning derived products, for medical use, a specific recipe is required. Do you find yourself without a prescription from your doctor? In this case, you can only buy that type of product with less than 0.6% of THC. Furthermore, this kind of product that can be purchased without a recipe must be sold as a food additive.

The position of the European Union

As far as the European Union is concerned, the dissemination and use of CBD are entirely legal.

Therefore, European countries cannot prevent the commercialization of cannabidiol. We are referring to what is produced in a completely legal form in another EU member state.

Therefore, the product can be sold without legal problems if extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant.

There are many countries belonging to the European Union that give the possibility to buy CBD-based products. But they must have 0.2% THC.

It is essential to keep in mind that CBD can correspond to an illegal substance, for example, in Belgium.

The legal aspect of the CBD in some areas of Central Europe

Cannabis used for medical reasons requires a prescription from your doctor. In any case, the use of CBD in Germany is entirely legal. But even in this case, there is always a specific condition related to the percentage: the product must have less than 0.2% THC inside.

In addition, the rules related to novel foods do not allow the sale of edible infusions with CBD. Alternatively, one can lean towards different formats of products containing CBD.

In Denmark, the current law states that the use of cannabis has a limit, i.e. for medical or scientific reasons. However, it is essential to underline that cannabis in all its types and formats can be used and requested only with a medical certificate.

The legal status of the CBD in some areas of South Western Europe

In France, there is the legality of CBD, but only for purchasing products with a percentage corresponding to 0.3% THC.

In Spanish territory, cultivation for personal use is legal.

However, there is a ban on selling CBD-infused items as a consumable.

They can be sold if they are cosmetics but equipped with a label with the wording technical product or one showing the indication for external use only.

Finally, the same percentage of THC, illustrated in the other countries, is also valid in Spain.

Eastern Europe: legislative situation on the CBD

In Eastern Europe, the legal situation of the CBD is very different. One example is that of Austria: you can legally buy hashish, flowers and cannabis extracts but with a THC percentage corresponding to less than 0.3%. Furthermore, the purchase can be made online and in shops, as long as they have the label of the products used for aromatherapy.

As far as Croatia is concerned, CBD products derived from hemp are legal if the THC percentage falls within the usual maximum percentage of 0.2%.

Remember that when purchasing online, it is always better to rely on an online shop specializing in the sale of legal weed and light cannabis. Among these, the number one is undoubtedly JustBob, the leading portal for selling certified CBD-based products.

So … what are you waiting for to fully enjoy the many benefits of cannabidiol?