Here are the statistics of online dating

HERE ARE THE STATISTICS OF ONLINE DATINGMillions of people worldwide have tried online dating at some point in their lives, either as a one-off experience sparked by curiosity or as a longer and more in-depth search for romance or a soulmate.

Online dating has definitely replaced some of the more traditional techniques of meeting potential partners and gives singles the opportunity to narrow their search for love and connect with people they wouldn’t necessarily meet without the help of an online dating platform. 

But, does it really work? How successful are your chances of actually finding “the one” online? Read on to discover some of the most interesting statistics and facts to answer your questions. If you’re still searching for that someone special, or keen to give online dating a go for the first time, check out these special offers to get a fantastic deal. 

  • Increasing Popularity 

Although online dating is not a brand new way of dating, it has become particularly popular in recent years, when all areas of our lives have become increasingly affected by digital technology in one way or another. Figures show that in 2022, the total number of users was more than 366 million. It is expected that this growing trend will continue and increase to over 440 million people by the end of 2027. 

  • More male users than females

You may be surprised to know that there are actually more men using online dating than women these days. The latest statistics show, a relatively small but interesting difference with 32% of men compared to 28% of women reported using online dating sites or apps. 

  • Most same-sex relationships start online 

Research shows that online dating has had a significant impact within the gay community and suggests that up to 70% of same-sex couples meet online. One of the great things about online dating platforms is their approach to inclusivity and diversity, giving users the opportunity to express their sexuality freely and 55% of the LGBT population have used it in the past

  • Profile truths and lies 

Unsurprisingly, many people are too tempted to lie or exaggerate about their physical appearance or personal qualities. It is thought that around 80% of people have lied about something on their dating profiles, with the most common areas where users are not honest being age, height, and weight. 

  • Hopeful romantics 

In the UK over 70% of people believe in love at first sight! This heartwarming romantic attitude is obviously applicable to both online dating as well as other kinds of dating such as a random encounter or being set up by friends. Some even go so far as to say that they have fallen in love with someone based on their online dating profile

  • Wedding Bells 

The overall percentage of couples that meet online and go on to get married is as high as 13.6%. This shows that a significant number of couples find their true love using an online dating platform and end up tying the knot. So, if marriage is your goal, you may want to consider getting online now!

  • Age is only a number 

Contrary to popular belief, age is quite irrelevant when it comes to online dating. Many people think that it is only popular with younger people and while this is true, it is also a popular choice for older age groups including divorced, widowed, or single older people searching for soulmates online. 

Now that you’ve got all the facts, you can decide if online dating is for you. To find out more about the history and evolution of online dating, which goes back further than you may have thought,  take a look at this interesting timeline from the Huffington Post.