6 Benefits of Shopping at a Dispensary

6 BENEFITS OF SHOPPING AT A DISPENSARYCannabis is now legal in most US states. If your state is one of them, one of these scenarios applies: access is restricted to patients under a medical program, or both medical and recreational routes are in place.

In each case, buying weed now means walking into a shop, taking your pick and walking out. These specialized outlets are called cannabis dispensaries.

The reality is that, even in a state where cannabis is legal, only licensed outlets can legally sell the drug. So if you don’t buy your weed at a dispensary, you will have to resort to the old illegal avenues (a dealer hanging around in the alleys).

Buying at a dispensary is the best alternative out there (even if the street guy is cheap). In this post, we outline some of the benefits of shopping at a dispensary.

1.       Dispensaries are Reliable

I don’t know about you, but if I’m trying to dodge the police, I won’t stay in one place too long. That’s usually the case with illegal dealers. You can’t really trust that they will be reliable.

In contrast, cannabis dispensaries are scattered throughout the legal states to make purchases easier. They have normal operating hours like other stores. The services wouldn’t feel any different from coffee shops or restaurants.

Finding a dispensary is just as easy as finding any other store in your area. Besides asking people, you can quickly find the closest dispensary to you online. Veriheal can guide you further.

2.    It’s All Legal

The fact that dispensaries offer legal means to purchase and consume cannabis is probably the best thing that has ever happened to cannabis users.

You walk out in possession of the drug without having committed any crime. It’s a huge benefit and a relief to know that you’re not going against the law.

The same can’t be said about illegal access, as it can result in a harsh penalty if you’re charged and convicted.

3.    Locations are Secure

Security is a big issue when you’re not using legal channels to acquire products. Drugs have a history of being sold in unsafe neighborhoods where dealers have a better chance of operating under the radar.

Dispensaries eliminate the issue of insecurity because they operate in broad daylight alongside other businesses.

Instead of hanging around some alley or abandoned garage waiting for your stash, you walk into a busy, modern establishment equipped with security measures and professionals who make your shopping experience safe and comfortable.

4.   The Attendants are Well-Informed

Dispensaries hire or train their staff about cannabis. That way, the employees can be a source of firsthand knowledge for customers, especially those new to the industry.

If you’re interested in cannabis but don’t know much about it, the budtender can guide you on the basics and the history of strains, including their lineage and chemical profile.

Besides offering helpful info, these cannabis experts can recommend products that align with your needs.

5.   You Get Quality

When you get weed off the street, quality is not assured. You can expect quality products when shopping at a dispensary, though. You’re free to ask about different strains of weed and what measures the store has taken to ensure they are selling quality flower.

Usually, dispensary staff will educate you on their cannabis source and the testing done for quality and safety assurance. You will leave the establishment knowing the product went through state-regulated testing before reaching the shelf.

You can also ask about strains that aren’t considered top-shelf due to potency levels.

6.   There’s also Variety

There are so many marijuana strains, and the effects vary widely. If you’re not getting your stash from a dispensary, the chances of knowing which strain your flower came from are slim.

Basically, when buying weed from the street, you settle for what is available. That’s not the case with dispensaries because they operate within a legal premise and have access to a wide variety of cannabis plants.

A dispensary offers you the opportunity to learn about different marijuana cultivars and sample each until you find your favorite.


The benefits of buying cannabis at a licensed dispensary far outweigh any other route. They are so convenient because you can rely on them for quality, product variety, safety, and knowledge, among other things.

Most of all, dispensaries offer you a legal means of accessing cannabis and that makes them invaluable.