7 Important Hacks for Writing a Stellar Persuasive Paper

7 IMPORTANT HACKS FOR WRITING A STELLAR PERSUASIVE PAPERAt one point in your academic studies, you shall be tasked with the responsibility of persuasive essay writing.

Unfortunately, most students fail in this kind of writing because of avoidable mistakes.
This article takes you through the hacks you must master to write a stellar persuasive essay.

Top 7 Hacks for Writing a Stellar Persuasive Paper

A stellar persuasive paper focuses on convincing a reader to subscribe to or buy your idea or thinking. Often, it explores different sides of a situation, but your recommendation carries more weight. Ultimately, the reader should buy into your idea and, if possible, lean more toward your standpoint.

Writing a stellar essay tests your effective use of compelling vocabulary and ability to plan ideas. Outlined below are some dos and don'ts to bear in mind when tackling this kind of paper:


These tips will help you effectively write a top-notch paper.

1. State Your Position Clearly

Start the essay by declaring where you stand on the subject matter. Do so in the thesis statement by ensuring it is straight to the point and firmly states what you stand for.

2. Understand Your Audience

Have your audience's background views on the subject matter. If not, make it palatable and as relatable as possible.

3. Establish Enough Findings

Remember, the sole reason for writing an exceptional persuasive paper is to convince the reader to shift their perspective about a matter. Therefore, you need to take as much time to research the most suitable topic, strong arguments, and factual evidence to back up the claims. Use credible information sources and tailor the ideas to suit your audience.

Reach out to pay for essay service providers for help if you run short of time for extensive research.

4. Use Logic

Even though your essay challenges an opinion or standpoint, your reasoning must be logical. In the same breath, use inductive or deductive reasoning to construct your arguments. It is also paramount to ensure that your views flow logically.

5. Convincing Techniques

The primary role of this essay is to have people with different views shift camps and join you in your thinking. It is only possible with the correct vocabulary. Be ready to utilize your convincing power and language while doing so.

Draw two opposing views to affirm your view. Doing so makes it more compelling and creates a better idea of the debate.

6. Organize Your Essay Effectively

Structure and logic are vital in communicating your ideas in your paper. Therefore, ensure the stated points flow logically. Commence with a confident and captivating introduction, a thesis statement, and topic sentences in the essay's body. Conclude your writing by restating the paper's thesis statement and highlighting the points mentioned in the writing to back it up. Finally, prompt the reader to take action if they are convinced enough about your idea.

7. Touch on Opposing ideas

Acknowledge the opposing side of the matter to demonstrate your mastery of the subject. Compare the two standpoints and cement your reasons why the reader should buy your idea.

Organize Your Essay EffectivelyDon'ts:

Avoid the following mistakes if you wish to score highly:

1. Use Unsupported Arguments

You might be tempted to share your thoughts and emotional standpoint. However, persuasive papers are different since they solely depend on facts and evidence from studies and statistics. Therefore, collect enough evidence from sources with a reputable background and elaborate on them.

2. Rely on Emotional Appeals

Relying solely on emotional appeals without providing enough evidence waters down the strength of your standpoint.

3. Use Biased or Unreliable Sources

Basing your standpoint on credible sources adds more strength and authority to your views. It also shows your lack of bias. Reputable sources you could consider include:

  • Scholarly articles
  • Books
  • Government publications
  • Expert opinions
4. Ignore Counterarguments

Failing to address counterarguments waters down the strength of your arguments. Therefore, demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter by addressing the opposing sides of the debate.

5. Overwhelm the Reader With Information

While providing evidence, focus on the most compelling and concise points.

6. Use Overly Complex Language

Language ambiguity is likely to water down the intended meaning of the argument. Avoid using jargon and convoluted sentences as well.

7. Proofread and Edit

Go through your essay and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation mark mistakes. Ensure your ideas flow seamlessly throughout the article.

Following these seven tips for writing an exceptional persuasive paper, you stand a better chance at scoring better. You also stand a higher chance of convincing your reader to subscribe to your train of thought.