5 Tips How to Use ChatGPT for Essay Writing

5 TIPS HOW TO USE CHATGPT FOR ESSAY WRITINGIf you’ve ever tried writing an essay, then you know just how difficult it can be to do it on your own. Students get loads of assignments every academic year, so sometimes it can be impossible to manage all of your essays yourself.

Luckily, there are various techniques you can use to speed up and simplify your research, planning, writing, and editing stages.
Additionally, you can use various AI tools to aid you throughout the process – for example, ChatGPT. Hence, here are five tips on how to use ChatGPT for essay writing.

Understanding ChatGPT

Before you start using ChatGPT, you should first realize that it has both positive and negative sides. The tool was launched last year in November and immediately became a sensation because it is more advanced than most if not all tools of its kind. ChatGPT is a powerful text generator that, if used correctly, can produce complex pieces of text.

By using ChatGPT, you can simplify and speed up the process of writing your essay. Moreover, you can also use the tool to generate ideas, aid you in the research and planning process, and so on. Though there is a paid (and more advanced) version available, even the free version of the tool will be enough to get good results.

That being said, there are some downsides to using ChatGPT. The tool has its limits, so you need to be prepared to get lackluster texts on particularly complicated topics. You should also be prepared to edit or even completely rewrite most texts you get from the tool because it can’t create perfect pieces yet.

Likewise, you should pay attention to the perspective the tool assumes when covering your topic because it is known to be biased. There are also some ethical considerations to take into account as well as the possibility of being accused of plagiarism by your teacher or professor which will negatively affect your grades.

As you can see, using ChatGPT and text generation tools of its kind is not all sunshine and rainbows as so many people assume. In reality, there are many factors you should consider before trying out the tool. But if you are prepared to deal with potential challenges, then here are five tips to help you use ChatGPT effectively for writing your essays.

#1 Do Your Own Research

First and foremost, before you start using ChatGPT during the first stage of essay writing (i.e. research), you need to do your own research yourself. By performing research without the tool’s help, you can study your topic in a more unbiased way and learn more about it as a whole.

Once you have performed your own research, you can use ChatGPT to find more sources and study particular aspects of your topic in more detail. While doing so, you will eventually find the perspective from which you want to write about your topic and the points you want to make about it. You can then plan out your essay by making an outline for it.

#2 Use Your Unique Style

When you sit down to actually write your essay, you should use your unique style and tone of writing. This principle should also be applied to the pieces of text generated by ChatGPT that you will be using for your essay. You need to edit them to make sure that they look like you wrote them. You might even want to add humor and some of your personality to them.

If you don’t have your own style of writing yet, then it’s the right time to develop it. Get in touch with an experienced writer from the writing service Trust My Paper to ask for their help. A professional writer will guide you through the essay writing process and give you tips on how you can develop and improve your own unique style of writing.

#3 Experiment with Prompts

ChatGPT is a tool that can give you absolutely brilliant pieces of text if you know how to use it. That’s why if you get a bad result, it might mean that you are simply using it incorrectly. Try to experiment with your prompts and see what gives you better results. Use different words, phrases, keywords, and so on.

It’s a good idea to direct the tool to use a particular source or give it some examples related to your topic. ChatGPT will understand your request and generate a text that is more accurate to what your vision is for your essay.

#4 Make It More Relevant

Another way to create the best essay for your assignment (in addition to using your own writing style and tone) is to make it more relevant. As explained above, ChatGPT might struggle with your request, but you can still improve your text by editing it yourself.

Try to add personal insights into your essay to show that it is your own writing. Clearly state your own opinion and don’t let vague phrasing confuse your professor. Add relevant facts or examples that ChatGPT didn’t use but you believe are necessary.

#5 Proofread and Edit

Last but not least, don’t forget to proofread and edit your essay thoroughly before submitting it. When you generate pieces of your essay with the help of ChatGPT, you will get texts that seem well-written but actually need rewriting (or, at least, paraphrasing).

Pay attention to details when rewriting the texts and creating a complete essay. You need to avoid plagiarism allegations at all costs. Proofread carefully and take note of the flow. Only once you are satisfied with the final result should you submit your essay to your professor or teacher.

Wrapping Up

All in all, using ChatGPT for essay writing is definitely a good idea. The AI tool will help you at almost every stage of writing your essay. However, you need to follow the tips in this article if you want to make the most of the tool. Start improving your essays with the help of ChatGPT as soon as possible!