Should You Use Snow Chains In The UK?

SHOULD YOU USE SNOW CHAINS IN THE UK?It’s that time of year again in the UK. Summer is over and people are bracing themselves for another cold, wet, and most importantly, snowy winter. But don’t let that put you off!

If you are moving to the UK from Portugal, you should know that the winters don’t tend to be as bad as they are made out to be. Sure, you might find yourself scraping off the ice from your windscreen every morning, but you don’t have to expect snow to the extent that a country like Canada expects it.

That being said, it can snow a fair bit in the UK between December and February, so there are a few things you should do to prepare yourself. This is especially true when it comes to driving.

Driving In Snow

There are, of course, a number of hazards when it comes to driving in the snow, with the most significant being the lessened grip and the potential to get stuck. This is why more people are investing in snow chains that are designed to increase traction when driving through snow and ice, allowing your wheels to rotate more freely.

Another tool that some drivers are using is snow socks. Like snow chains, these are designed to provide more traction and improve the grip of your vehicle, only they are made from textiles, meaning they are more compact and can be easier to store and fit. That being said, there is a bit of debate about which is better.

The Advantages Of Snow Chains

When it comes to snow chains, these have been used for years in many locations in Europe and North America. Generally speaking, these are best for traction, and they can be fitted onto the vehicle without moving it. They are also harder wearing, which means they might last longer than snow socks, provided they are used in the right way. Prices tend to vary depending on the car, but ordinarily, they come in between £35.96 to £125.96. You can find more advantages of tyre chains on site if you want additional information.

The Advantages Of Snow Socks

As mentioned before, snow socks are made from textiles, so they are lighter and thinner, and they can fold into a smaller size. They provide a similar experience to snow chains, only they have more of an emphasis on grip instead of traction, and they are prone to more wear and tear on poor roads. On average, they come in between £40.46 to £58.46. If you want more information, to compare chains and socks online has a clear and distinct summary of both products.

Make An Informed Decision

If you’re moving from Portugal to the UK, we would recommend snow chains as a great option, as they are the best for traction. While snow socks are good for grip, the UK does have less snow than other areas of Europe and a good policy on gritting and clearing the major roads. Snow chains give your vehicle grip as well, but it’s the traction that you will need if there is a heavy snowfall and you need to get from A to B. As ever, make sure you look into it, think about where in the UK you are moving, and then make an informed decision!