In Between Fridays - a documentary filmed in a small village in the mountains of southern Portugal

IN BETWEEN FRIDAYS - A DOCUMENTARY FILMED IN A SMALL VILLAGE IN THE MOUNTAINS OF SOUTHERN PORTUGALTogether with a talented team, consisting of Creative Producer Aljoscha Habel, DOP Annemarie Chladek, Editor Henrike Dosk and many others, Maximilian Geschke has produced and directed an independent documentary, In Between Fridays, shot in the village of Tojeiro, in the mountains of southern Portugal, two years ago.

The film is about a German family of dropouts who have settled in the mountains and, after some time away from the commercial mainstream, have come up with a business idea. The legendary Pizza Night, an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet followed by a party, has since become the family's livelihood and one of the biggest events in southern Portugal.

After the film was completed, it was promoted on the festival circuit, where it was included in the official selections of international film festivals in Mexico, Spain, Portugal and Germany, among others.
Since then, In Between Fridays have also been able to build up a fan base among the (now several million) visitors to the website, who are eagerly awaiting the film.

The full film will be released on european streaming service Sooner on March 10th 2024.