What the modern gambling industry looks like

WHAT THE MODERN GAMBLING INDUSTRY LOOKS LIKEThe world of gambling has changed again and again over the course of time. In some times, gambling was more likely to be found in dubious circles, sometimes it was even placed in the dirty corner. Then again, there were times when it was recognized by the state and highly valued in all circles, from small workers to industrial magnates.

Until recently, gambling was mostly a social occasion. People met to gamble or gambled to meet. Major events such as horse races were a mixture of appearing on the red carpet and the fun of betting. Poker rounds took place not only in casinos, but also in many pubs and bars or in private circles. The slot machine in the kebab stand was also a welcome opportunity to linger over a beer and have a chat with the landlord or other guests.

Online gambling meets the zeitgeist and changes gambling behavior

These days, gambling has largely moved to the Internet, which has eliminated many of the additional costs such as rent, staff, purchase of machines, etc.. As a result, the chances of winning have increased significantly, often by around 25%. In addition, online casinos regularly offer their users lucrative bonuses especially crypto casinos , for bitcoin casino games the commission is usually lower especially RTP online btc slots and similar games.

Now that you can gamble from the comfort of your laptop or smartphone, the reason for gambling has also changed. While before it was also about socializing, today gambling has adjusted to the zeitgeist. Many people are stressed and are looking for a reliable outlet to relieve tension, for example, after work. A representative survey of gamblers revealed that gambling is a stress reliever for both casual and regular players. Particularly appreciated is the fact that when playing slot machines one can completely disconnect from the outside world and "clear one's head".

Clear your head

The simple rules of slots make it easier to switch off and wind down without having to concentrate too hard. This allows players to deal with everyday stress in the truest sense of the word "by playing".

Many gamers now consciously use this effect to end everyday stress at the touch of a button. This is made possible by the now technically perfect mobile online arcades which, thanks to HTML5, run just as smoothly on any smartphone as they do at home on a PC.

Whereas in the past you had to go to the arcade after work to relieve stress - often having to carry the stress around with you for hours - today's generation of gamers can reach straight for their smartphone and play a few spins to relax.

Winning €50 during a coffee break may be a dream, but most players in the survey said that it was enough for them to get rid of inner tension and work stress with a few spins in between.

New development: online casinos use high-tech to protect against gambling addiction

To prevent the whole thing from backfiring, online casinos are increasingly focusing on addiction prevention. High-tech is also being used here. A first pilot project has now been launched in Italy that uses artificial intelligence combined with VR technology to detect an emerging gambling addiction long before the player realizes it. Above all, long before the addiction develops and becomes a problem. When this technology is ready for series production, gambling addiction will be a thing of the past. Contrary to what many people assume, this is also in the interests of the gambling industry.

Gambling addicts are a negative business for the industry, as they quickly gamble themselves into ruin and then permanently lose customers. If such users instead gamble moderately and responsibly over the long term, they bring the casino considerably more revenue and have a happy life. Gambling addiction also causes immense damage to the industry's image, which it would like to avoid. That is why new solutions are being worked on at full speed.

Nails with heads - the future has already begun

The Löwen Group is a pioneer in this area and is already putting its money where its mouth is. Löwen is the first to use newly developed software that detects outliers in gaming behavior and warns the player or, depending on the settings selected, can even block them. The software is called "Mentor" and is exactly that, a helper that protects the gamer from serious mistakes. The software works so reliably that it is now used by lions both online and offline.

Other online casinos are also in the process of integrating this or similar software solutions into their offering and thus eradicating gambling addiction once and for all. Technical progress and easy integration into online casinos are opening up unimagined possibilities for users.

Entering a new era - the next generation of online casinos

To further improve the gaming experience, game developers are now returning to the roots of gambling. Social interaction, shared excitement and competition at the poker table are all set to return to the living room.

We are, of course, talking about virtual reality, or VR for short. Prices for decent VR glasses have fallen significantly over the past year. At the same time, their resolution has increased dramatically again, so that 4K and 8K glasses are now the standard.

VR casinos have long led a niche existence, but with the rapid spread of the glasses, especially in Asian countries, which are known for their passion for gambling, they are attracting more and more people.

The aim of casinos is to combine the classic attributes of gambling in the past, i.e. social interaction and a good time together, with the modern needs of gamblers. This means having a high RTP (the payout ratio) and a huge selection of games open online around the clock and, of course, being a place where you can switch off from everyday life and have time for yourself.

The internet has fundamentally changed the modern gambling industry. But the future looks even more exciting when the best of the past and present come together to create something new. Player protection, social interaction and the benefits of today's online casinos - this combination has the potential to become something really big. And we can all be part of this development.