Advice for Aspiring Nurses

ADVICE FOR ASPIRING NURSESMany people have aspirations of becoming a nurse and this is for good reason because it is a noble profession. There are also many other perks to nursing, such as making a positive difference to the world, job security and flexibility, just to name a few.

How to Take a Break if You Are Studying Online While Working from Home

How to take a break when studyingThis lockdown period is the perfect opportunity to pursue an online course, especially for working parents. You have more free time in your hands since you have to work from home. You also don’t need to be on campus to learn.

Preparing for Your Move Abroad? Here's How to Make the Process Stress-Free

PREPARING FOR YOUR MOVE ABROAD? HERE'S HOW TO MAKE THE PROCESS STRESS-FREEMany people dream of travelling abroad, but few consider living abroad. It’s a dream that requires a lot of preparation, so naturally, you want to be well-informed as to how the process works, and how it can be hard to deal with. It’s not the same as buying a ticket and hopping on a plane, it’s a very big deal.

AlgarvePLUS Magazine - March 2021

ALGARVEPLUS MAGAZINE - MARCH 2021This is our first birthday issue (hence new hairstyle, new photo). So hard to believe that at this time last March – a whole year ago – we put our launch offering into distribution across the central region, edging out both east and west and up into the hills.

CLICK HERE and view full screen to read AlgarvePLUS March 2021.

AlgarvePLUS Magazine - February 2021

ALGARVEPLUS MAGAZINE - FEBRUARY 2021The days are getting a little longer, the morning sun is warming, the green around us is vibrant, and the wild flowers, which know nowt of a pandemic, are out and about and bringing new life to our countryside. And let's be brutally honest, if enforced lockdown takes us closer to greater safety and freedom then fine, let's get on with it and know we are contributing to a better world.

CLICK HERE and view full screen to read AlgarvePLUS February 2021.

What You Should Know About Nude Camping

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT NUDE CAMPINGNude camping is an activity that is fairly recent but has caused a significant uproar. The fact is that there are more people willing to do it every year.

Latest International News from SWIMFIN UK!

LATEST INTERNATIONAL NEWS FROM SWIMFIN UK!SwimFin Uk are proud to announce the collaboration between Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) Cameroon Branch and SwimFin (UK) with the aim of preventing avoidable death by drowning.

7 Reasons for Young People to Move to Portugal

7 REASONS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO MOVE TO PORTUGALPortugal can be a dream destination for so many tourists. It’s easier to say why not to move there than why you should. Recently, it has been attracting a lot of young people, and it’s easy to see why. It has a great climate, amazing food, friendly and open people. What else does a young person need to be happy? Well, let’s take a closer look at Portugal and see what else it has to offer for young people from all over the world.