Picota forest fire started by local man

fireA serious forest fire on two fronts was fought by up to 93 firemen on the slopes of Picota, Monchique this afternoon.

The fire started at 1:30, sending a tower of smoke into an almost windless sky with ground crews struggling across difficult rocky terrain.

There was no air support available until later in the afternoon as services have been stood down for the season and returned to bases.

Dozens of bonfires could be seen across the region today despite the lack of rain and continuing dry conditions.
It is the domestic and agricultural bonfire season but the stupidity of those setting fires, albeit legally, before rain has dampened the ground can not be underestimated.

The protocol for those lighting bonfires is to inform the local Bombeiros whose current response, from those contacted by this news service, is ‘no way’ until there has been significant rainfall.

The Picota fire was started by a local man who has lived on the mountain all his life, illustrating the idiocy is not confined to arsonists.

The status this evening was 'vigilancia' with firemen in place to spot and deal with any recurrence.

For advice on the burning of garden waste, click on Safe Communities Portugal's 'Burning of Rubish and Fires'